Hostility There is a hostility buried beneath all the outward - TopicsExpress


Hostility There is a hostility buried beneath all the outward show of progressivism. If you take part in business meetings you will sense it. There is something in the air. An anti-human element of anger, resentment, competition.... Hate. It is buried underneath the surface. Those empowered by it do not allow it to show. They hide it beneath suits and ties, smiles and neatly combed hair. But it is there. If you work in an office you can sense it. If you work in a factory you can smell it. Hate. Anger.Bitterness.Resentment. It is the rage (anger) of demons projected onto human beings. It is the anger of the spirit realm (empire) with which they try to posses’ people. They want to get us to hate each other. They want us to compete with one another all the time. Employer against employee, Employee against employee, Husband against wife, Brother against sister. They want us to believe that life is a contest for.....something. What... What is the contest supposed to be over? What are we trying to win? Is it a degree of standing in the workplace? Money? What... I suggest that you think about it. Ponder it. Consider. Is this contest - this competition - something you want to be engaged in? Are you enjoying it? Does it make you happy and fulfilled? Or does it tear you apart inside? We see it everywhere. It comprises the most important part of television courtroom dramas. Competition. A contest of clever words, Who can say the most clever things and put someone down most effectively. Who can be the most cunning? But the battle is not to the swift, nor victory to the strong. In the end, it is not the most cunning who will prevail. The meek will inherit the earth. Every single aspect of modern life is backwards from the way things are supposed to be. Life as it was created by God is the complete opposite of the way we are now living. Our present mode of life and interrelationships is totally at odds with the principles of life itself. We are, in fact, competing our way towards destruction. Our present predicament is a condition of self destruction, engineered by demons. We are all being conditioned to fight with each other. We are being conned into hating each other and destroying each other. But the world as a whole is about to reject this hyper-competitive system of money, debt and materialism. Masses of people are on the verge of rejecting it. Vomiting it up. A vast number of people are about to vomit up the whole materialistic lifestyle and return to a simpler mode of life which is based upon family, emotional fulfillment, and living simply off the land. Technology itself is about to be cast off like a filthy rag. People have come to see the futility of it all. The futility (pointlessness) of paying more for faster computers and more for shiny cars each year, working harder and getting poorer. Laboring under the black cloud of debt. Working harder for an employer and yet always being made to feel that you are not working hard enough. It is all about to be vomited up. The world itself - the very earth - is about to convulse (shake). And we, the sacred organism alighted upon her, will be the better for it. Yes we will vomit it up. We will retch and moan and gag. But when it is all over we will be better off for it. The poison will be out of us. Just as the human body convulses to rid itself of a toxin, and though it is most uncomfortable, we will survive it and we will return to health and well being. The New World Order which I proclaim to you is this: A society based upon human needs. It is the Kingdom of God. It is the world government which shall be instituted when Jesus Christ returns to rule the earth. There is no contest. There is no campaigning and no elections. The God who created the earth and all life is coming to take over the ruler ship of the earth from those who have mis-managed it for six thousand years. Consider for a moment the nature of the world around you. Everyone buys their food from the grocery store. Everyone drives to work in cars and gets paid by some corporation. How many people can such a system support? How many more cars can spew out noxious gasses before we all suffocate? This system is not working. You dont need an economics degree to understand that a paper money system which is based on debt financing cannot work forever. You do not need to have a Ph.D. in science to see that with a finite atmospheric volume covering the earth, it is not feasible to feed people by having them all drive to the grocery store. The way we do it now is like this: You drive to work and spend the day there so that you can afford to buy groceries. The way it will be in the New World Order is like this: You grow food on your own property and you dont need to drive anywhere. Today, in the present world order, we are conditioned to believe that motivation for us to be productive comes from outside of ourselves. We have been brainwashed into believing that we are all naturally lazy, and without the boss to put the pressure on us we would never accomplish anything. We are told that to be our best we have to be pushed. What pushed mankind to invent the wheel, writing, steel tools, agriculture? Where was the push in those days? There was no push. There was simply a group of human beings which were expressing the creative, productive nature God had given them. This concept that we need the system to keep us all going in the right direction is a lie. It is what they want you to believe. You are supposed to look outside of yourself for motivation. You are supposed to wait for someone else to validate what you do. This is the crucial principle which underwrites the system. It is this paradigm which gives them a hold over our lives. We believe that we need them. We do not believe that we can find our own way, or be productive or profitable on our own. We have been trained into this paradigm since we were in kindergarten, when the teacher told us there was only one proper way to make the letter B. We have been brainwashed into a paradigm which says that most of us do not have what it takes to make it on our own, and we need to be employees. I tell you this is false. It is a lie. Human beings existed for thousands of years before there ever was a corporation. Great civilizations existed long before there was ever a factory or office tower where people had to look busy for the boss. The defining element in our lives is the success which belongs to us by birthright - the fact that we are children of God. We were given this planet by God. It is our inheritance. It does not belong to corporations or banks or governments. It is ours. And all the wealth contained in it is ours as well. Why have we allowed the faceless demons of government bureaucracy and bankers to take it away from us? Why do we go along with their way of doing things day after day? How hard does daily life actually need to be? What degree of human effort should be required to grow food, wash clothes, build houses and cook dinner? I suggest that if we look at the present scenario of industrialized living, we are working at a level which involves a greater stress level than that of our agrarian ancestors. We seem to have to work harder and harder just to pay the bills. What are all those bills for? All the things we really need to live well and be comfortable come right out of the ground: food, water, wood, metals for making tools, etc. Even today, with all our gadgets, all the things we use can be traced back to the ground. The most complex gadget is derived from materials which ultimately come from the ground - elements which are combined and processed into a finished product. Glass and metal tools and even complex artistic creations have been around for a long time. But we have come to a very strange point in our journey, where we now believe that everything we need comes from a store, and therefore we need money, and therefore we need a job, and therefore our whole existence has become a pre-engineered cycle in which, ultimately, we are working our whole lives for someone else, and what do we really have to show for it? Were we not better off when we could do our shopping in the forest and when we grew our own food and raised our own beef? There was a time when we did not need money. We grew or produced what we needed and the extra fruit of our labors was used to trade with someone else. The barter system allowed a truly free market system, where there was no need for banks or debt or taxes. People living off the land, free of government taxes, bank interest and corporate paychecks. Imagine. Name just one thing which you feel you really need or want which you could not have under such a system which I have described. If you really think about it, anything which a human being really needs to live a happy fulfilling life can be obtained in an agrarian non-industrial society. Many of the things we think we need today are in fact only necessary because of the complex lifestyle we are living. Take your car for example. You need it to get to work and to get to the grocery store. What if you did not need to go to work and you could obtain everything you needed from the natural abundance around you? Would you still need a car then? Cars, like everything else around us, are part of the paradigm. We think we need these things. We think we cannot do without them. But it is all an illusion. We really need love, family, food, water, clean fresh air, wholesome physical work, and the hope of a safe and happy future. All the things we really need do not come out of factories. Corporations cannot provide them. Bank loans are not needed to obtain them. But before you begin to think that I am suggesting some sort of hippie-like commune culture, in which people walk away from it all, I need to reinforce the serious nature of this transformation back to living off the land. This is something which will occur not simply by choice, but by necessity. The world system with all its complex infrastructure, communications systems, electrical energy production - everything - is about to be destroyed. The future world which I am proclaiming is not to be built as a result of convincing enough people to embrace it, but rather by stark necessity. Although I have said that the world as a whole is about to reject technology, I do not mean to imply that significant numbers of people will actually forsake industrial life willingly. The paradigm is too strong. The reality around us is propped up by our collective faith in it. It will only collapse when our collective faith in it collapses, and that will not occur until the full manifestation of the systems evil intent is made known. As long as large numbers of people are ignorant of the true plans behind the present world order, the system will continue to maintain a hold over the mass psyche.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 12:51:15 +0000

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