Hot News (Interesting News) I. Russia has moved masses of - TopicsExpress


Hot News (Interesting News) I. Russia has moved masses of troops to the Ukraine border, just days before Crimea stages its election to determine if it should join the Russian confederation. Frightening sanction threats are flying in both directions. China sides with Russia. Did Secretary of State John Kerry hint that the White House may allow Russia to invade Crimea to prevent their election? NEWS BRIEF: Russia ships troops into Ukraine, repeats invasion threat, Reuters News, March 14, 2014 Russia shipped more troops and armor into Crimea on Friday and repeated its threat to invade other parts of Ukraine, showing no sign of listening to Western pleas to back off from the worst confrontation since the Cold War. Russias stock markets tumbled and the cost of insuring its debt soared on the last day of trading before pro-Moscow authorities in Crimea hold a vote to join Russia, a move all but certain to lead to U.S. and EU sanctions on Monday. Sanctions are a two-way road, as America and Europe might have more to lose than Russia. NEWS BRIEF: Sanctions against Russia will only hurt the West: Russian Ambassador To Canada, The Globe & Mail, March 14, 2014 Russia’s ambassador to Canada says he was surprised no one bothered to speak with him about the crisis in Ukraine before he received a diplomatic dressing-down last Saturday, and added his country can always turn to China if the West follows through on threats of tougher sanctions ... Georgiy Mamedov insisted Russia wants to see the crisis in Ukraine resolved peacefully. And he said Western countries would largely be hurting themselves if they impose tougher sanctions or make good on warnings that they could boot Russia out of the G8. What sanctions has the West already levied against Russia? On Thursday, the European Union announced it would suspend talks with Russia on an economic pact and visa agreement and warned that further sanctions could be applied ... The U.S. separately ordered targeted travel bans and asset freezes for individuals believed to be responsible for the occupation of Crimea... These sanctions are hardly earth-shattering, but Russia did successfully turn to China for diplomatic assistance. Mr. Mamedov said China is a strategic partner and ally for Russia, and the two countries are close on many issues, including Ukraine and Syria. So if some countries would prefer not to buy oil and gas from us, the Chinese will buy everything. They’re asking us.” Indeed, China was more than willing to support Russia in this confrontation with the West. NEWS BRIEF: China warns of dangerous Russia sanctions spiral , Reuters News, March 13, 2014 Chinas top envoy to Germany has warned the West against punishing Russia with sanctions for its intervention in Ukraine, saying such measures could lead to a dangerous chain reaction that would be difficult to control. In an interview with Reuters days before the European Union is threatening to impose its first sanctions on Russia since the Cold War, ambassador Shi Mingde issued the strongest warning against such measures by any top Chinese official to date. We dont see any point in sanctions, Shi said. Sanctions could lead to retaliatory action, and that would trigger a spiral with unforeseeable consequences. We dont want this. While China is reluctant to join Russia in this confrontation, she will likely do so if the situation continues spiraling downward. And, America would do well to heed Chinas warning. After all, China does hold more U.S. Treasuries than any nation on Earth; any Chinese move to sell off American holdings could trigger a panic sell-off in markets worldwide. President Obama should tread carefully here, and he surely knows it. Did Secretary of State, John Kerry, hint that America would look the other direction if Russia prevents the Crimean election through military force? NEWS BRIEF: Obama Regimes Hypocrisy Sets New World Record, by Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, OpEd News, 3122014 From the moment that Washington launched its orchestrated coup in Kiev, Washington has been accusing Russia of intervening in Ukraine. This propaganda ploy succeeded. The Western ... media reported (nonexistent) Russian intervention to the exclusion of coverage of Washingtons obvious intervention. Having falsely accused Russia of invading Crimea, the Obama regime now demands that Russia interfere in Crimea and prevent the referendum set for next Sunday. Unless Russia uses force to prevent the people of Crimea from exercising their right of self-determination, John Kerry declared that the Obama regime will not discuss the Ukrainian situation with Russia. So, Kerry has given Russia the green light to send in troops to prevent Crimean self-determination. Washington has long attempted to have its cake and eat it too; American leaders have been hypocritical on many issues over the past many decades, so why should we be surprised at this one? Headlines this morning are very frightening. If America slaps meaningful sanctions against Russia, both Russia and China could retaliate in ways that could crash the Western economies very quickly. Therefore, what are we to think and to prepare? Let us examine some key bedrock facts that we do know. 1) President Obama severely threatened to attack Syria earlier this year, and he move the military assets in place to carry out just such an attack. Russia and China supported Syrian President Assad. The world trembled at the thought of America squaring off with Russia/China. Suddenly, President Obama backed down. He ordered no strikes against Syria/. Russian President Putin took notice of this lack of resolve and is undoubtedly counting on it in this crisis. 2) Despite all the belligerent public rhetoric, the Global Elite do NOT want to cause a collapse of economies until their Masonic Christ is on the world scene (Read full details in NEWS2317, entitled, Financial Coup Completed: American Economy Now A Tightly Controlled, Severely Regulated Fascist Economy) 3) Despite superheated rhetoric, we must remember the 10-nation prophecy which alerts us to the reality that, at the End of the Age, leaders of the final global 10-nation confederation are secretly cooperating with each other! Read full details in: NEWS1548, entitled, MAJOR NATIONS ARE COOPERATING WITH PRESIDENT BUSH ON HIS WAR ON TERRORISM -- INCLUDING OLD ENEMY RUSSIA! Posted late September, 2001 NEWS2200, entitled, Now listen to the prophecy which is key to our understanding. Also the ten horns that you observed are ten rulers (kings) ... For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (the intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled. (Revelation 17:12, 17) Despite all the heated words between the leaders of America, Russia, China and the European Union, this prophecy tells us that they are secretly acting in harmony so that all the prophetic words (the intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled. This crisis over Ukraine is occurring precisely because Russia is bringing her Supernation #5 in place, a human plan designed to fulfill Gods prophecy of Daniel 7:7-8! These leaders are secretly acting in harmony! Therefore, we believe that this situation will be deliberately brought to a boil and then both sides will back away. We must keep our eyes on both the Plan of the Elite and Bible prophecy, and our fears will melt away. II. President Obama is actively pushing for his Palestinian State plan to permanently divide the Ancient sacred city of Jerusalem! This shocking reality is just one more reason for God to lower His judgment upon America. NEWS BRIEF: Obama Peace Plan Includes Permanently Dividing The City Of Jerusalem, The Truth Wins, March 12, 2014 Barack Obama’s “two state” peace plan would not just permanently divide the land of Israel. It would also permanently divide the city of Jerusalem. It is anticipated that the “Kerry Plan”, which is expected to be revealed to the public soon, will call for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem without specifying the exact borders. Gods judgment is promised to fall upon anyone and everyone at the End of the Age who tries to divide Gods Holy Land! FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and because they have divided My land. [Joel 3:1-2; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary] Read full details of Gods warning in NEWS1806, entitled, GOD THREATENS END TIMES JUDGMENT AGAINST NATIONS WHO DIVIDE ISRAELS LAND. God foretold 2,600 years ago that at the End of the Age, global leaders would concoct a plan to divide Israels land. Presidents Bush and Obama are simply following that prophecy. But, the real shock is that the Illuminati conceived the idea to divide Israel all the way back in 1917, during the time of the Balfour Declaration! Read full details in NEWS2250, entitled, Proofs of A Conspiracy! From 1917 to 1992 to Today, Israel Has Been Planning To Give The Palestinians A State Carved Out of Biblical Israel!. The Illuminati Plan is thoroughly following Gods prophecies. Praise the Lord, for He is Omnipotent!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:17:53 +0000

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