Hot coffee, excellent cranberry bread (a gift from my dear friend, - TopicsExpress


Hot coffee, excellent cranberry bread (a gift from my dear friend, Barb), and the realization this morning how to pray for my eighteen year old grandson, who is making a life altering decision, that if it is not God’s will for his life, that God will take away his desire to go in that direction. But if it is God’s will, then I will find personal refuge in knowing that. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can pray that they do, also, if this is the will of God for his life, or part of his life. I just wish he’d do college first, and go in as an officer. I love winter markets, because there is so much more time to interact with the reduced amount of customers, never having to cut conversations short, (having time to practically dance in a snowfall), getting to know our customers and becoming friends. Our Christmas was blessed by a visit from friends we met at market. Yesterday, one of the discussions was with a young woman, and the subject of age came up (I have no idea why, unless it’s because she is the dreaded 40). I confided with her how the age of 38 was life changing for me, because I spent about 6 months rethinking life, putting up some protective walls that I never wanted to have in place, realizing that I am my own best friend: I like to think the thoughts I like to think, I like to do the things I like to do, and so on. Her response was the long accepted, politically correct, “Yes, we have to love ourselves best.” That hadn’t been the point of my life changing, it had been acceptance of myself, and a little less being open to others, a little more self protection. I replied, “Well, actually, I love God more than myself. I love my sons more than myself. I love my grandkids more than myself.” And she went on then to share her loving relationship with her little girl. I can pray that she thinks over our conversation. I am so enjoying getting to know her. I noticed the birds started singing at 7:30 this morning, but it won’t be long till it will be 5:00 am. So far this winter, well, the day after Christmas, actually, I have been able to do a little more work in the house, and spent four happy hours in the green house yesterday. Transplanted tiny broccoli plants, planted radishes and lettuce, transplanted lettuces and chives, planted some more snow peas. Had a visit from one of my twins, and later from the other. He told me that in the early morning, from his deer stand he can see the green house, because at night we use grow lights. I told him that at night it looks like a fairy house to me, and he agreed. I have an old refrigerator drawer that I use to plant in (anything that will work), and the seeds I planted never came up, only three. I noticed a hole in it a few days ago, a lazy mouse had made a home in it. I had used old root bottoms from the trays of plants that didn’t make it to the garden in the bottom of the container to take up space and use a little less potting soil, and he had comfortably made a home among them. But just as in the house you cannot put up with these little creatures, I upended his happy home. Back to the wilds for you, or else……. Well, the day is upon us, and my quiet time will soon end. It’s out to the barn to deal with a too smart and too rambunctious month old heifer, and to make the chickens happy, and get the cow milked, and the newly weaned pigs will be squealing, they already know it is I who give them warm water with a little milk, a tiny amount of milk till our other cow calves. I think we will be milk cow shopping, as one apparently isn’t calving. When you buy a cow, they are always “four to six years old”. Unfortunately, you can usually add about ten years to that. May your day be blessed, and may you decide to attend Church today. Many have been disappointed in Church, but never in Jesus Christ, and He expects us to fellowship with other believers. Come on out to Church. Try our honest, humble, wise Pastor John Holbrook, next to the McDonald’s in Blanchester, if you haven’t any druthers. 11 am.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:29:45 +0000

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