Hot off the presses! Channeled Message by Katy, received today, - TopicsExpress


Hot off the presses! Channeled Message by Katy, received today, 6/10/13 from the Divine Inspirators. Please read. It is so beautiful and uplifting. I have shared the entire channeling. “Our Dear Loved One, we so appreciate these opportunities you have given us to express ourselves to humanity. We truly enjoy this divine time and look forward to sharing with you. We find it very rewarding and acknowledge your divine beingness, your calling, your work at hand to make these transpirations possible. Know we have come to deliver messages of divine inspiration, to help move humans for in their ascension process. This is necessary and available at this time. Currently, there are many initiatives underway. It has all been planned and provided for. Others are waiting to rediscover their divine calling, the one you have received is more specific and is enabling you to communicate with us on our level of frequency. Feel this vibration and get comfortable with it. We will come often and naturally when you call. No need to force or control it. It will simply happen. It will be delivered to you and others like yourself, who have the natural ability to feel and hear our words of higher nature. Seventy times it has been told and retold. The reasons are very numerous. This age is a new century, a magnificent undertaking of grand design. Science will realize the potential and clarity of this fifth dimensional rising. Quite the feat, the proposition. We want you to let others know that they have a divine nature, one in force, and healthily vibrating within their inner sanctum. This is the truth and beauty of the way, the effervescence of your nature. The Supreme Being adjudicated this, and so it is. Do not be nervous. Take care and be in the divine flow. Like a flower, you shall grow and turn toward the light within you and every living thing on your planet. Have hope and with your noise, your sound, you can create new beginnings of hope, that like a river will course through the eternity, through human time. Feel this change. It is a new beginning, a new horizon that has opened up. Be free and cherish yourselves, and every other person and living creature that shares your space with you on the planet. Tis A New Time!! The dawning of A New Era!! Let us celebrate that this moment has come! Feel boundless and unencumbered as you breathe the fragrant air that has been infused with new learnings, of endless possibilities for each and every one of you. Let yourselves be!! The day has come, the realizations are never ending. Let yourself enjoy the beauty of this time. Forever now, times will be new, expansive and growing. Complete your missions! Understand who you are, who you have always been. Now, is the time to turn within and return to your very essence of creation. You are ALL special. Each and every one of you has a divine calling. Feel this and embrace it with such tenderness, love and gratitude that is your makeup. We feel your power. You are generous and all-caring. Liberate yourself from the bondage of your limiting belief systems. Feel the freedom of this as it resonates, deep within yourself. You are FREE!! Entirely so!!! Do not deny yourself. Carry this within you as you move through your day. Allow yourself this expansiveness. In every moment, reflect the light of your inner self. You have been created to be beings of love, harmony and sanctuary. Turn toward the light within you and feels its warmth, its caress as you blend and become one with it. This is YOU! This is who you are!! Your divine self, your true, immortal being, the lasting flame of love and unity. Surprise yourselves today and every day. Feel the touch of the divine. You are all so perfect. Laugh a lot and with exuberance. Relax into the moment and feel the sublime joy of being. There are no rules here or rigidity, simply the state of beingness, of floating on the cloud of joy and love. This is your birthright, your true calling. Let yourselves be this way. Give yourself permission. As you help yourself to know and feel, others will also. Lead the way with your divine light, the torch of truth and everlasting glory and beauty. Lead the way and many others will follow, blinded by your light but so enthralled to be in its presence. The light is an attraction from deep within one’s heart. All naturally resonate to it. Don’t be fooled by those who present otherwise because from deep within, they desire no less than to complete themselves, wholly and fully in this unification process. You will find many ways to share, to indulge. Let yourself do this. Free the binds of society’s mores, your own upbringing and parental values instilled within you, your generation’s conflicting and opposing forces. Let yourself feel the unlimited power of TRUE JOY! Keep the torch burning! Include others on your ride to joy and freedom. There is much room in your heart. Continue on, our dear loved ones, and know you have many teachers, guardian angels, and wonderful helpers to help you, to hold your hand along the path. You are never alone. Release yourself and feel yourself broadening, becoming lighter and more translucent as you share yourself fully and engage from your heart. Continue on and know you are all the divine carriers of the torch of love and light. Be magnificent! Feel this power and how it lifts you up. We so desire, no less than each and every one, to come to union with your divine calling, your eternal essence. Feel this vibration! We are those, who have heeded the call, to help humanity at this important juncture. We are those known as the Divine Inspirators, a legion of loving, caring luminescent light beings, who have evolved to these learnings, to share with others, who are also searching. We have heard your call and hence we have come, to perform our duty, with willingness, great care and joy. For you are our angels, in human form. Light your lanterns within and feel the flames of pure light ignite your internal being. We love you and have great hopes for you and your dreams. We bow now to your eternal grace with such love and tenderness. The possibilities are endless ! Channeled telepathically by Katy, Soul Evolution Center, LLC For more background and detail on this message, please see my blog post soulevolutioncenter/61013-channelingdivine-inspirators-inspirational/. I also share other channeled messages and psychic experiences here.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:42:21 +0000

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