House Agriculture Committee Cozad, Nebraskas, Anne Burkholder is - TopicsExpress


House Agriculture Committee Cozad, Nebraskas, Anne Burkholder is dedicated to taking care of livestock and producing the best beef for American families. She is also dedicated to making sure that people in urban communities know where and how their food is produced. As a native of Palm Beach County, Florida, who traded in the ocean for a cattle feedyard, Anne has a unique ability to bridge the distance between urban and rural America. In 2009, she was awarded the Beef Quality Assurance Producer of the Year Award for her commitment in sharing animal welfare and food safety production practices. She uses her blog, Feedyard Foodie to establish a relationship with consumers and talk about how important it is for her and other livestock producers to be transparent. “I think the industry is behind the eight ball on transparency, in particular when it comes to feedyards, Anne told Beef Magazine. Consumers have a pejorative idea of a cattle feedyard. I think a lot of it is just because consumers don’t know what a feedyard is, and we’ve allowed activists to portray it as things they’re not. We can fix that by being more transparent.” She and her husband, Matt, operate Will Feed Inc., a 3,000-head capacity feedyard.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:03:31 +0000

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