House Speaker John Boehner has led Republicans in a direction - TopicsExpress


House Speaker John Boehner has led Republicans in a direction opposite of where the grassroots Republicans want to go. He has compromised over and over again with Obama. One of his worst moments came recently when he declared that Edward Snowden, the hero who disclosed the massive Orwellian surveillance program being carried out by the NSA, was a “traitor.” Edward Snowden risked his own life and liberty in order to expose this evil program that was destroying our liberty. Boehner, on the other hand, is a mouthpiece for the Republican establishment, an establishment that values its power above all else, including the freedoms we hold dear as a nation. One wonders which side Boehner would have chosen during the American Revolution. Would he have chosen to risk hanging with the brave men defending our liberty at the 2nd Continental Congress, or would he have taken the easy route and sided with tyrannical England, the greatest military power on the face of the planet ? It is unfortunate to have to ask this question about one of our supposed leaders, but it is worth asking considering that he would call one of the great heroes of our time, Edward Snowden, a traitor. Rand Paul provides a unique contrast with John Boehner. He represents much of what is right about the Republican Party. Of course, by standing up for our liberties, he is being thrown into the “wacko bird” category by establishment Republicans like John McCain and Boehner. He has called for a legal challenge to the NSA’s spy program, a very reasonable position in light of recent revelations. He has stood up over and over again for positions that Americans can be proud of. He has his flaws, but he is a man of courage and one who genuinely holds our liberties to be dear. There are others like him, such as Representatives Justin Amash and Thomas Massie. The war between the Boehner and McCain wing of the party and Rand Paul and Ted Cruz wing will not be an easy one. The establishment is blessed with abundant resources and the media’ s favor. However, the hearts of the people are with Rand Paul; this is a powerful weapon indeed. Might another party have to form, one where the grassroots Republicans will be able to have true leaders who listen to them instead of establishment people who listen to the media? Indeed it might. For the time being, though, let’s stand with Rand Paul as he attempts to change the American discourse in the direction of liberty.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 05:43:58 +0000

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