Houston driving is pretty crazy and I was just thinking this - TopicsExpress


Houston driving is pretty crazy and I was just thinking this afternoon how hard I have been praying for strength to handle all these new exciting changes that can come when you decide to just go for it...nothing can be as scary and exciting as knowing The Lord has made this decision, and led you here. 1) Faith in the Invisible, Hebrews 11:3 I cannot see my future, Lord. I must trust in Your wisdom to guide me through these uncharted waters. Although I cannot see what the future holds, You see it, Lord. You have it all planned out. Open my ears to Your voice and my eyes to your creative vision for my life. Help me to see where You want me to go. Then give me the courage to steer my life in that directions. 2) Breath of Life, Genesis 2:7 It is through You that I have life. Each and every day, You breathe life into my soul. What shall I do? Which path shall I take? Speak to me as I remain still, listening for Your voice, awaiting Your direction. 3) The Right Focus Help me, Lord, to focus on You in all I say ad do, in every decision I make, and in every direction I take. Help me to make the most of each opportunity. My lifes aim is to serve, obey, and seek You. **4) The Lord our God said to us, You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance...See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession. --Deuteronomy 1:6-8 You have given me direction. It is time for me to MOVE FORWARD, to sail into unknown waters. You have commanded me to advance. You have already given me the land beyond these seas. All I need to do is sail toward You and take possession of the blessings You have provided. Thank You, God, for allowing me to be a part of Your master plan.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 03:21:59 +0000

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