Houthis destroyed Sa,ada an utter destruction Houthis brethren - TopicsExpress


Houthis destroyed Sa,ada an utter destruction Houthis brethren of Ash-Shytan ,they are not Zaidi which they not exterminly like this new group of Athnyashariaya of Iran,Zaidi with Shafi living in Yemen more than thousand year in peace and respect each other ,but those new group became as mercenary people receiving supporting from Iran to kill Salfi which getting supporting from Saudi Arabia,meant both of them mercenaries groups,the proof of that Sheikh Al-Ahmer leads Salfi to this battle against Houthis or leads Brotherhood Islah (Al-Qaeda) in this war, and he tried to lead the military of Karazy Yemen to this swamp, to this quagmire,both of them the leaders of Houthis and Brotherhood or Salfi Saudi and Iran and Qatar lead them to this morass,accordingly the lead Yemeni people to this mire to this bog,to this sump and to this marsh. Indeed Iran and Saudi transferred their conflict to Yemen among poor people,their strife and fight became in Yemen,their tussle and and combat our of their countries,they are living in peace but the blood in Yemen, Yemeni people became kill each other due to their clash and disagreement for nothing and the leaders of Hasba and Huthis receiving money to do business in Yemeni blood for that collision and incongruity,as we watched that in Sa,ada then in Al-Jawf and Arhab now in Amran,the warfare the arms and bout and fighting still there. Absolutely those leaders greedys, rapaciouses, avariciouses, graspings, ravenings and traitors,undoubtedly that thee are betrayers,renegades,deceivers,recreants and turncoats and that the great sinning,both of them erred,both of them talking about Islam,both of them distorted and deformed Islam,actually USD made lids upon their hearts and in their ears an obstruction to not hear the truth, Shytan of USD incites between them to kill each other ,surely Shaytan became evident enemy among Yemeni family to lead them to this adversity and fighting. Actually the Kingdom of Hasba became increased daily in great catastrophe frighten people in this temptation since Hebrew Spring in 2011 as we watching Hasba neighborhood became destroyed and future will be more because Houthis waiting to uproot this cursed tree from Hasba after the cursed tree in Hasahd which already uprooted. Absolutely there is no future for Yemen with Iblis Houthis ,surely they increased in their tyranny, they calling for the Kingdom of Imam same as Brotherhood (Islah,Ansalallah) calling for Kghalifa ,same the disbleivers the communist (Harak) calling for separation ,all of the (JMP) shaytan promised them the delusion,the bubble,fancy,phantom, imagination,deception,they are working hard in cheat, in fraud,in arrogance,in vanity, in quackery,in imposture,in charlatanry and in fake. Obviously all of them became blind ,they do not consider about Yemen and Yemeni people,they follow the USD ,indeed dthey became further erring away fro the right way,they are became blind and dumb and deaf exactly like their leader Karazy Yemen. Definitely the fruit of (JMP) after their revolution during Hebrew Spring that they destroyed our strong civil sate exactly same as the great man Haykl said in the beginning of this Zionist Spring that Yemen tribal revolution against civil sate,our civil sate already destroyed with democracy and our unity. Currently we are living in adversity life ,strength life, vehemence,rigor,ferocity,ordeal,distress,misfortune,tribulation,calamity,disaster, scourge,sorrow ,trouble,discomfort,hoodoo and mishap and we became under Chpter VII the tidings of the ill omen,it is the colony.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 20:17:38 +0000

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