How 2 tell if ur hug game stinks like bowel movement crumbs: 1. - TopicsExpress


How 2 tell if ur hug game stinks like bowel movement crumbs: 1. If u r giving hugs w/ the intention of the least possible physical contact occuring 2. If u bend at the waist, put ur face on someones chest & push ur butt out so ur actual bodies dont touch, then give them three pats on the shoulder 2 end it quickly 3. If u step in 4 a hug &, at the last minute, pivot 2 the left 2 reduce the hug 2 a cattycorner shoulder tap 4. If u have mastered & employ any variation of a side-hug 5. If u have responded 2 the yucky things uve been thru by totally devaluing the importance of human touch & gestures of affection 6. If u think of a hug only thru the context of what someone might b getting from u, as opposed 2 what u make sure ure giving them 7. If u only touch people u r boning
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:35:35 +0000

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