How Bowen helped this lady: (taken from European college of Bowen - TopicsExpress


How Bowen helped this lady: (taken from European college of Bowen studies website) MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, primary progressive - Woman, mid 30s, ongoing treatments Mary is the mother of 3 boys and in the summer of 2002 was told she was likely to only live for 2 more years due to the type of MS she has. E.C.B.S. teacher and Bowen therapist Joy West first saw Mary after her diagnosis and at that stage she was unable to walk unaided, had practically lost her speech and had no upper body strength. Mary did not wish to take the prescribed medication but instead chose to go on a gluten- and dairy-free diet. Joy sent her for an assessment and treatment at an immunological/wellness clinic in the Czech Republic and she started an intensive programme of nutritional support. Joy saw her again after two months and then began weekly treatments with Bowen. While she was already beginning to show some signs of improvement, with the addition of the Bowen treatments there was rapid improvement in all areas. When Mary first came, she had to check where her feet were visually to get them onto the treatment bed but, by the 3rd treatment, she could get on the bed and know where her feet were through the normal functioning of positional body knowledge. Her speech had come back and was fluent with only the occasional missed word - usually speech is the most difficult thing to get back. After three Bowen treatments, she was able to walk unaided and had begun to play the piano again. Thereafter, she was able to come to her appointments without a carer to help her (although she is always driven by someone else, as she is not safe to drive yet). Marys consultant is completely bemused: his first thought was that there had been a misdiagnosis, but they reviewed all the scans and it is certain that she was not misdiagnosed, as the lesions are clear on the original scans. Mary has not had a recent scan to see if these have changed. The consultants advice to Mary was: I dont know what you are doing, but keep on doing it. Marys improvement has been remarkable and she is particularly aware of this when she goes to the physio clinic for exercises and sees other MS patients deteriorating. For her, the combination of a change in her diet coupled with regular Bowen treatment has made an enormous difference to the progression of the MS. (Still doing well in 2005).
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 20:41:49 +0000

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