How Buddha Jayanthi or Vesak or Vaishaka became a public Holiday - TopicsExpress


How Buddha Jayanthi or Vesak or Vaishaka became a public Holiday in India My own contribution to the proceedings was confined to a short speech in which I dealt with what I knew was a quite sensitive issue: the Buddha Jayanti, or the fact that, five years after Independence, The government of India had still not declared the Buddhas birthday a public holiday.Jesus christ was born in Palestine(Near Europe); I told the conference, having worked my way up to the point;but his birthday is a public holiday in India. Prophet Mohammed was born In Arabia(near Europe), but his birthday too is a public holiday. The Buddha, however, was born in India, but his birthday... It was not necessary for me to complete the sentence, which drew a burst of laughter, followed by prolonged applause, Buddhist and Hindu alike, and I thereupon concluded my speech with a strong appeal to the government of India to take immediate action and honour Indias greatest son by declaring his birthday, Buddha Jayanthi or vesak, a public holiday.Dr. Radahakrishnan could hardly ignore so marked an expression of popular feeling, and his closing remarks adverted to what I had said. The request ought to have been made while thePrime Minister was present at the meeting, he observed, with an air of slight displeasure. Nevertheless, he would convey the request to his government for its consideration.Please though I was to has achieved this much.... at the 1952 nov-dec Sanchi India. Buddhist conference p.428 Facing Mount Kanchenjunga An English Buddhist in the Eastern Himalaya By SANGHARAKSHITA BUDDHIST WORLD IS IN DEBT TO YOU. Anagarika Dharmapala and Valisinha Devapriyaji will be happy for your service To Indian Buddhism. Dear Sir you will have a Healthy long life!.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 00:01:35 +0000

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