How Can Darkness Battle Us? “Well, if darkness has no - TopicsExpress


How Can Darkness Battle Us? “Well, if darkness has no intelligence, how does it battle us?” Here are some attributes of the darkness that can explain it. Humans in the dark battle you. Darkness itself is just a balance. Dark, negative energy is blind about what you’re doing in the light. It’s stupid about things of the light, and this is your advantage, for you can see everything and this energy of darkness can’t. Humans walking in darkness, creating darkness with intent, can never compete with a Lightworker who can see everything. Integrity is blind to dark energy and will always win. Honesty and compassion and caring are always going to win over darkness. Benevolence and spiritual synchronicity are like full color in the black and white world of those who willingly walk in darker energy. Now, it’s simply an energy, like gravity is an energy, and like magnetism is an energy. When you see magnetism at work and you see things come together with force, do you look at them and give them names and assign consciousness to them? Do you think they are entities? No. Instead you say, “This is physics. It’s energy. It moves here to there, like oil and water are also about physics. It’s just energy. Oil floats because of its density. It’s lighter than water’s density.” Dark and light have these same kinds of attributes and darkness moves when light is present. It’s not spooky, and it’s not alive. Here is a big difference – in the new energy, you are a light creator. Therefore, you are changing the density of the planet. Do you see what I’m saying? Therefore, the balance of dark and light moves accordingly. It’s not smart. It moves out of the way of the light. It moves out of the way of the Lightworker! Do you understand what I’m saying? For eons, this balance has not moved at all. Suddenly, it is moving out of your way as you walk toward it. It can’t exist where you walk! It can’t survive the way it used to and it will fight to keep it the way it used to be. But the balance will slowly change, and that’s because you are not afraid of it. Oh, dear Lightworker, this is the message of today’s channel and also tomorrow. I’m going to itemize some of the things that you will see regarding these changes. The one big item right now is this: What are you going to do with this new power? Although darkness is not intelligent, it is still a balancing force. Therefore, you can expect it to have an effect on everything as it changes. You can’t have a rebalancing of such powerful influences on Human nature without change on both sides. Do you understand? Do not personalize darkness. When you fall off a cliff, who do you blame? Was it the gravity monster? What intelligence pushed you there and how dare it take you down and hurt you? This is an example of a force that is there, but understood for what it is. But unlike gravity, dear ones, this particular balance on the planet is a multidimensional, elastic, dynamic thing. It has been the same way for eons and now it’s not. It is moving accordingly to the energy that you have chosen to create. It is your fate. But unless you re-adjust to your power, nothing is going to happen. The recalibration of self starts with understanding that darkness has no power over you anymore. It will retreat from you instead of attack you. If you fear anything, darkness has won. That’s the balance we speak of. All this is difficult to explain since these things are going to occur in non-three-dimensional terms. My partner is even sitting here wondering if he has done a good job today. So I will say to him, “The job has been adequate.” The recalibration of the Lightworker is described as the Lightworker discovering their real light, the light of the creator. They are discovering that it belongs there, that this is their time, and that they can turn it on. The darkness will have no chance of existing anywhere around them as long as they illuminate themselves with compassion and patience. Let divinity shine through each of you as you walk on this planet and understand these things, for they are imminent. Do you want to know why you came? This is why you came. It’s not to do, but rather it’s to be. It’s to be light where darkness used to be ~ K
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:25:32 +0000

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