How Do I Get Rid of Flab Without Surgery or Do I Have to Accept - TopicsExpress


How Do I Get Rid of Flab Without Surgery or Do I Have to Accept It? Here is what we must accept — there is no such thing as perfect. Perfect does not exist. Not for anyone. Even the world’s hottest super model will have her “imperfections” and “flaws.” In today’s day and age, we often get confused and misled by air-brushed images of perfection, but I promise you perfection just doesn’t exist. That’s the creation of several brilliant artists — from hair and makeup to photographers, lighting experts, and Photoshop masters. Once we come to terms with this reality and accept it as an indisputable fact, our lives will improve dramatically. I have also been asked many times over my 17-year career what is the healthiest weight for women or the ideal size. This is a dangerously absurd question. Absurd because such an answer doesn’t exist and dangerous because many think it does. The only numbers that matter when it comes to weight loss and body image are the ones you get from your doctor at your annual checkup when they ask you: How is your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.? Good numbers here are what matters and there is absolutely a defined answer of what is good and what isn’t. If these numbers are in check, that is all that matters. Not your jean size. We must start to shift our perceptions of beauty. It comes in all shapes and sizes and as cliché as that sounds it is absolutely the truth, as most overt and obvious clichés often are. You need to celebrate your weight loss. Take pride in your healthy, strong body. Allow the joy of that accomplishment to truly permeate your being and reshape your self-image. It’s these achievements in life that matter and it’s an absolute shame that you would allow the pursuit of perfection to rob you of this. If you want a cosmetic procedure to remove the skin, no one is in any position to judge you. I had my nose done when I was a kid and I have never regretted it. That said, it’s costly and painful to remove skin and it leaves intense scars. Even if you do decide to move forward with something like this, keep in mind that you still won’t be “perfect” because no one is. Before you pursue an extreme avenue like this one, I strongly suggest you get your head together and gain a healthy perspective on your health and your body image because ultimately that is all that is going to matter.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:38:37 +0000

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