How Earth is Frequency Phase Modulated by Stars, Planets Altering - TopicsExpress


How Earth is Frequency Phase Modulated by Stars, Planets Altering and Stressing the Phases - Probably the only force that alters the phases of Earths Fundamental Resonant Frequency and related harmonic frequencies are stressful positions of the Sun, Moon and planets or an orb ejected from Jupiter or Saturn. Alterations or stresses on the phases of the Schumann Resonance by lunar and planetary influences probably are at least a precipitator to, or at the most a cause for, tectonic plates to slip or shift causing earthquakes. Two traditionally trained Indian scientists publicly and accurately predicted the time, date, longitude/latitude and magnitude of the devastating Indonesian earthquake and tsunami four days before the deadly event occurred. They constructed their prediction by observing the position of the Sun and Moon at the precise times and dates of previous earthquakes greater than a 7.5 magnitude. This author hypothesizes the phases of the Schumann Resonance were stressed or altered by the Moon (5 degrees Cancer) being in direct opposition to the Sun (5 degrees Capricorn) on December 26, 2004. On March 27, 1964, the Sun was at 7 degrees Aries and the Moon was at 7 degrees Libra and a massive earthquake shook Alaska. During both the Indonesian and Alaskan earthquakes the Sun was exactly 180 degrees opposite of the Moon on a circle while both the Sun and Moon were in what is known as Cardinal signs. In other words, if you draw a straight line through the middle of the Earth, the Sun was on one side of the globe and the Moon was exactly on the opposite side of our planet. However this straight line of opposition does not flow directly through two sides of the equator or both poles of the Earth. By astute observation and comparison of the angles of the critical Sun/ Moon opposition line as related to the equator and the poles of the Earth, the Indian scientists precisely located the area where and the time when the phases of the Schumann Resonance would be weakened enough to allow tectonic plates to shift. However, the Indian scientists had no awareness of phases for the Schumann Resonance in their research but their earthquake prognostications by observing and calculating the angles of the Sun/Moon opposition through the Earth are astounding. Many people feel they deserve global accolades for their efforts, discoveries and sterling accomplishments. The prediction by the Indian scientists was about 28 minutes off in predicting when the earthquake would occur. They were correct in calculating the exact time of the opposition of the Sun and Moon but they did not realize the stress caused by these positions would take about 30 minutes to build on and alter the phases of the Schumann Resonance that caused or contributed to the tectonic plates to slip at an exact location on Earths harmonic grid. Rhythms of Nature Awareness & Prevention By creating a dynamic and evolving harmonic grid model of the Earths phases of the Fundamental Resonant Frequency in conjunction with the transiting positions of the Sun, Moon and planets in the solar system, could predicting earthquakes transition into an exact and precise science? There is one drawback, however. Scientists can measure the frequency of the Schumann Resonance but they cannot accurately determine the phases or amplitudes with any kind of present day instruments. Until instruments are created that can measure at least the phases, humans will have to observe mathematical or three-dimensional hypothetical models of the phases of Earths Fundamental Resonant Frequency. When those instruments are operational, this author predicts the scientists will discover 144 phases in each hemisphere of Earth and Mars, 36 to 72 phases in each hemisphere of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and nine to 18 phases in each hemisphere of the Sun. By way of contrast, however, this author predicts the planets Mercury, Venus, Pluto and all the moons orbiting the planets in the solar system will have one spherical harmonic grid (not two hemispheres) with 72 or 96 phases. The Power of Seven Why does nature use a division and multiples of 18? A hemisphere of a planet or a molecule is not constructed in numerical sequence because to do so would create a weak structure. Maximum strength of a dome or molecule is attained when the links are spread out over the hemisphere or molecule. The most efficient manner of creating strong links in a dome or molecule is to use the number 18 because the special number of seven provides a means of distributing the links. Figure 4 [left] has a circle with 18 lines with 20 degrees between each line. A line is drawn from the starting point to a point seven lines or 140 degrees away. As the multiple seven lines or 140 degree sequence is continued around the circle, the line drawn from the 18th or last point connects with the starting point. The alpha (beginning) and omega (end) points of an 18 point circle or a multiple of an 18 point circle using a multiple seven sequence are the same (Figure 5). When applied to harmonics, the points on the circle represent the phase of the frequency and the circle itself represents the amplitude of the frequency. Obviously, a planet or molecule utilizes more than just one amplitude but for consistency in construction, again, the number seven provides the most strength. Seven circles of 144 lines with a space of 2.5 degrees between each line have the same alpha and omega point when using the multiple seven sequences. Again the seven circles represent seven redundant amplitudes that a planet like Earth uses to construct a harmonic grid. A line is drawn for the starting point to the next circle and seven lines or every 17.5 degrees (7x2.5 degrees). Figure 6 does not include all 144 lines but only depicts every seventh line where the working line crosses the intersection point of the circle and the structure line. The line from the 144th point to the next point is the starting point and the alpha and omega points are the same and provide strength yet flexibility (Figure 7). On the Earth the distance between the circles is thousands of miles. When instruments are made that can detect the phases of the Schumann Resonance, the author predicts the grid pattern will be similar to a three dimensional version of Figure 7 that is top view of the grid. Where the starting or Alpha point is located and if the lines or amplitudes are to the left or the right of the Alpha point, are the two determining factors to the spin orientation of the hemisphere. Therefore planets with two hemispheric harmonic grids can have numerous kinds of spin orientations that manifest in countless characteristics and functions. However, the number of spin orientations for the planets are finite. Is the harmonic spin orientation of Uranus so unique that Uranus is the only planet that shifts the north and south poles directly towards the Sun during the full revolution around the Sun? We invite readers to join the author and other researchers to observe nature and the cosmos. The discussions will be related to how other common occurrences or phenomenon are results of manipulating or harnessing Earths Fundamental Resonant Frequency of 7.5 Hertz with 144 phases and amplitudes and the various resonant frequencies, phases and amplitudes of the chemical elements, planets and suns in our galaxy. The geometric and harmonic adventure continues... The author acknowledges and thanks Susan Kelly, Bruce Rawles, Iona Miller, Peter Vogel and James Golik for their valuable input and contributions to this article. Special thanks to Sue Golik.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:18:48 +0000

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