How Fathers Influence Their Children We often hear of the - TopicsExpress


How Fathers Influence Their Children We often hear of the mother- child relationship, how it is the most important in a kid’s life. As the quote goes, “There’s nothing greater than a mother’s love.” We beg to differ! What about the other parent – the father? His importance has always been defined by how well he provides for the family and his role may be seen as minor compared to a mother; however, turns out dads are just as important as moms! Like a mother, a father’s parenting style affects the development of the child, and his presence (or the lack of) can influence how a child grows. Research even backs this up. In a Live Science article by Stephanie Pappas, she cites Ronald Rohner, the director of the Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection at the University of Connecticut, who found from decades of studies that “not only are fathers influential, sometimes they have more influence on kids’ development than moms.” So as tribute for Father’s Day, we take a look at a father’s influence and why he remains the most important man in your life. Fathers help build confidence A lot of our self-esteem issues stem from what we perceive others think of us. As a child, the only opinion that matters would be that of our parents. Especially from fathers, whom many children look up to for approval, particularly boys. Children who feel that their fathers are “disappointed” in them will eventually develop a confidence issue, where they think they are not good enough. In a article, it cites Adrienne Burgess, author of Fatherhood Reclaimed: The Making of the Modern Father, “Fathers have a huge impact on their kids’ self-esteem. If a father rarely focuses on his child, they often perceive that as evidence that they’re not a very important person.” Behavior problems, delinquency, depression, substance abuse and overall psychological adjustment are all more closely linked to dad’s rejection than mom’s, says Rohner. Also read: Get Instant Confidence Boost! Fathers help you become more independent When it comes to a child’s development, mothers are about nurturing the child while dads are more involved in getting the child to achieve something. In a Child Welfare Information Gateway article, research shows that this contrast in roles is necessary for healthy development. As a result, a child grows up to be more comfortable and confident in exploring the world around them because of dad’s encouragement and is also likely to have self-control and be more sociable because of mom. Also read: How To Feel Empowered, Again Fathers encourage a loving home Biology plays a role in how a father can influence a child too! In the same Live Science story, Pappas cites a 2010 study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry that dads show an increased level of oxytocin during the first weeks of their babies’ lives. This increases bonding between father and child. Not only that, Pappas also cited a 2011 study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that states, fatherhood leads to a decline in testosterone. With this in place, dads become more nurturing, building a safe and loving environment for the child to grow up in, leading to a healthy development. Also read: Understanding Your Man And His Interests Fathers teach respect One of the most important influences a father can have on his child? Being an example when it comes to relationships. A child notices and draws conclusions about the relationship between his parents, and this conclusion will form his or her future relationships! Research shows that children who grow up observing their fathers being abusive or controlling will have a tendency to learn that violence is how one resolves conflicts and problems. For girls, it will have a great influence on how they feel about themselves as a woman. For boys, it will result in them growing up to be more susceptible to violent behaviors, the same type portrayed by their father. That’s proof that loving dads are imperative!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 01:08:03 +0000

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