How Future Probabilities Shape the Present Moment 27 October 2014 - TopicsExpress


How Future Probabilities Shape the Present Moment 27 October 2014 For more information, visit Its easy to see from a linear point of view how past events help shape the present moment. Most people understand this cause-and-effect relationship. It is widely accepted that the past exerts an energetic field that casts a sphere of influence days, months, and years into the future. What is not as widely understood is how the future also shapes and influences the present moment. The future -- both distant and near -- exists in its own time and space coordinate that has an energetic field as real as the present moment. This energetic field influences and creates the present moment in the same manner that the past shapes the present moment. Your Energetic Field Determines Your Future Possibilities Since there is no “time” in the bigger picture of things, everything that ever will happen already exists. This doesnt take away freedom of choice or free will. A persons energetic field determines their future possibilities. Inside every moment, you choose which of your possible futures you will experience. Unchosen possibilities dont cease to exist because you aren’t currently focusing on them anymore than a road not taken dissolves from the face of the Earth. Possibilities continue to live on in your energetic field. In a sense, they have their own life and their own trajectory. Imagine you plant a tree in your backyard, then sell your house and move to another state. Does the tree cease to exist because you have moved away? If you go back to visit your former home, you will likely see the tree still living out its life independent of you. Likewise, your field of possibilities exists independently of your current focus. You may at any moment adopt a course change and shift to a new possibility. How Possibilities Become Future Probabilities When you change course and adopt a new possibility, it is because you have shifted into closer energetic resonance with this possibility. When a possibility becomes a closer energetic match to your present-moment goals and desires, it becomes a probability. A probability is a possibility that is likely to become the focus reality of a near-future time. Your present moment is always spinning out energetic futures. These future possibilities are alive in your present timeframe. Subconsciously, you choose to bring your focus to the possibility that best aligns you with your spiritual purpose. This is synchronistically also the possibility that fuels excitement and passion within your present moment. Once this choice is made, the chosen reality begins to crystallize in your energy field prior to its arrival in physical reality. Perceiving a Future Moment If an image comes to you of something that is about to happen, you are perceiving a future moment as it crystallizes into physical reality. By the time this conscious perception occurs, the shift to a new possibility has already taken place at the energy level. A person who is very sensitive to energy may experience a bleed through with a potential reality or may suddenly see, feel, taste, hear and perceive a new probability with such clarity and intensity that it feels as real as their present moment. Such perceptions happen in moments of psychic insight. The degree of psychic development and sensitivity a person has, along with their energetic make-up and belief system, determines how soon they perceive a future probability. Gifted intuitives may perceive future events days, months, years and even decades prior to their manifesting in physical reality. At first, future vision may be limited to realities and events unfolding in one’s personal life, but in time this extends to world and “multiversal” events. Choosing the Realities You Experience When a person has honed their ability to perceive events unfolding well into the future, they are able to become the true architect of their reality. If you see events shaping months and years in advance, you can decide if you choose to experience the realities that are setting up. If the events crystallizing in your future are not what you choose, you can make changes in your present moment to shift to preferred probabilities. Transitioning to a New Focus Reality As a future probability comes closer to becoming your present reality, it exerts a strong energy field that influences your thoughts, feelings and decisions. Just as air masses collide in the atmosphere to create weather events, sometimes the transition from one focus reality to another occurs amid the colliding energies of contrasting perspectives. This is what sets up a rite of passage, when your present moment energetically collides with a future probability your soul has chosen. This collision of energies allows dramatic breakthroughs that greatly transform a persons life and usher in new ways of being. Transitions in Mass Consciousness Sometimes reality transitions occur in mass consciousness when a number of people join together in group focus to shift humanity to a new probability. As this future probability begins to crystallize, it casts a sphere of influence that awakens ever greater numbers to its impending arrival. As more people awaken to the future reality, they begin to harmonize their thoughts and actions to this new reality, ushering it into being. These are some ways in which the future shapes the present moment. Teacher: DL Zeta
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 07:44:06 +0000

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