How Guys use to Break-Ups with the ladies when they are - TopicsExpress


How Guys use to Break-Ups with the ladies when they are Tired 1. IM JUST NOT READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP RIGHT NOW, BUT IF I WERE... YOUD BE THE ONE! aka:Im still not ready to spend the rest of my life sleeping with one person, but if I were, it might be you. 2. I STILL REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU. aka: ... Just not enough to really date you or spend much time with you. But I still care! 3. ID LOVE TO STILL BE FRIENDS AND HANG OUT AFTER ALL THIS. aka: Can you hook me up with your hot friends after you get over me dumping you? 4. REALLY NEED TO FOCUS ON (FILL IN THE BLANK... SCHOOL, JOB, GOD, WHATEVER) RIGHT NOW. aka: I dont think youll take this break-up well, but you cant argue with this one. 5. IM MOVING TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY, BUT ILL CALL YOU WHEN I GET BACK. aka: Ive got to get away from you, fast! 6. YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME! aka: And I know I can do so much better than you! 7. IT HAS BEEN SO GREAT GETTING TO KNOW YOU, BUT I THINK WE NEED TO SPEND TIME WITH OTHER PEOPLE. aka: Ive already met someone Id rather spend more time with. 8. IVE GOT A FEAR OF COMMITMENT. aka: Ive got a fear of being tied to you for life! 9. IM FEELING SMOTHERED, AND I JUST NEED TO GET SOME SPACE. aka: Youre way too in my business, too fast - I am ready to get you out. 10. THE GUY WHO MARRIES YOU IS SO LUCKY! aka: I just hope Im not that lucky! 11. I THINK WE NEED TO SEE OTHER PEOPLE AND JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS. aka: Im already sleeping with someone else, and Im just telling you this before you find out. 12. I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU, BUT I JUST WANT TO TAKE A BREAK. aka: I want to try sleeping around, but keep you close in case I cant find anyone else. 13. IVE GOT A LOT OF ISSUES I NEED TO WORK ON RIGHT NOW. aka: My main issue is that Im just not that into you. 14. I FEEL LIKE YOURE MORE OF A FRIEND THAN A GIRLFRIEND TO ME. aka: Youre just not as cute as you were when we started dating. 15. I JUST NEED SOMETHING MORE. aka: Im not sure what more is, but Im kind of bored, and this line sounds really convincing. 16. IM STILL NOT OVER MY EX. aka: Ouch. This ones probably true. 17. I WISH WED MET FIVE YEARS FROM NOW INSTEAD. aka: Im really not that mature right now, but I probably will be in five years, and then I couldve made a great boyfriend/husband! 18. WERE JUST IN TOTALLY DIFFERENT PLACES IN OUR LIVES! aka: Im in this place called I Want to Go Out Drinking, Partying, and Sleeping Around, and youre in this place called Lets Settle Down, and those two places dont fit well together. 19. I JUST RESPECT YOU SO MUCH. aka: Please dont tell your friends Im a jerk, because I might want to date some of them. 20. I THINK WE GOT TOO CLOSE, TOO FAST. aka: When you put your toothbrush beside mine in the bathroom, that really freaked me out.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 18:34:28 +0000

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