How I Overcame The Waswaas (Bad Thoughts/whisper that pop up in ur - TopicsExpress


How I Overcame The Waswaas (Bad Thoughts/whisper that pop up in ur mind or heart) Dua! I cried my eyes out to Allah and begged Him night and day to help me and to take away those evil thoughts because it was not in my control.whispers-from-shaytan-muslim-cropped I searched about what was happening to me and talked to some local sheiks about my trouble. This was when I first learned about waswaas. I searched the internet for hadiths about waswaas and found several that really helped me. One of those was the following hadith: The Messenger, peace be upon him, said: “The Shaytan may come to any one of you and say, ‘Who created Allah, the Almighty?’ If any one of you experiences this, let him say, ‘ ‘Amantu billahi wa rasulihi ‘[I believed in Allah, the Almighty, and His Messenger, peace be upon him], and that will drive him away.” (Saheeh al-Jami’ 1657) I followed the advices of many sheikhs concerning waswaas: “Ignore it as much as you possibly can!” I came back to reading and listening to the Quran no matter what came to my mind. I continued listening to the Quran and going to Islamic lectures and classes. This helped me tremendously! I realized that Allah was making me stronger in this calamity and that I was being brought closer to Him through this test, this realization made it easier to get through it. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger [adsenseyu2] After months and months of chaos and suffering, the peace came back to my heart, Alhamdulillah. All the waswaas stopped and my desire and enjoyment for the Quran came back. Now, every time I hear about or see someone struggling with those same issues, I make du’a for them—I know the pain they are going through. This experience has taught me that I should never ever take for granted any of the blessings Allah has bestowed upon me, especially my faith. If It Can Happen To Me, It Can Happen To You As Muslims and as human beings, we take a lot of blessings we have in our lives for granted. We don’t realize the importance of health until we become sick and bedridden. Many people don’t ever imagine themselves in the same situation as others. They always have the thinking that ‘this surely cannot happen to me.’ That’s not true. It can happen to you; and in a lot of cases, it will happen to you. When I was going through my hardships with the waswaas, I shared my problems and fear with one of my sisters in Islam. Unfortunately, she didn’t think it was all that serious. She would say to me, “it’s all in your mind” or “maybe your iman is not strong enough,” things a friend should never say. And I used to leave her regretting even telling her anything. Ironically, after several months, I got a call from that same friend. She told me that she was going through the same exact things I went through and she asked me for advice. Subhanalaah! I was so shocked. In all honesty, I was not happy that what she thought was just a little problem was keeping her awake at night and having her question if she was even Muslim anymore. However, it goes to show that if it can happen to me or someone else, it can happen to you as well! It’s important that we don’t take our blessings in life for granted. Always be humble and thankful that Allah is not testing you with what He is testing others. And most importantly, remember that when a calamity happens to you and you remain patient you will come out of it stronger and more experienced.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 19:32:32 +0000

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