How I Work(ed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ As I sit and reflect on this, the - TopicsExpress


How I Work(ed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ As I sit and reflect on this, the two year anniversary of my retirement, I have many thoughts. In some ways it seems like just a few days, but in many others it seems a lifetime ago. In the two years I have noticed several things that I was somewhat shielded from, being sequestered 12 hours a day in my small spot in the pharmacy wheres I parked each day. First of all, when I worked, I worked. I awakened each day at 5:15 am and reached the store each day by 6:30 am, and believe me, we hit the ground running, and did not stop until (after) closing time of 6:00 pm., returning back home at around 6:30 each evening. That was for Monday-Friday. Saturdays were a short day, only 6:30 am until noon. For all those years I averaged about one Saturday and one other day off each year. There were several years without a single day off. When I say I was in my little spot, I truly was. In 37 years I never once took a lunch break, barely ate anything, usually grapes, celery, granola bars and the such. I was lucky enough to have Doctors, Dentists, and others (including the lady that cut my hair) that would stay after hours and see me after closing. Bankers,lawyers,real estate brokers and the such would come to see me, rather than the other way around. Also having many wonderful employees that I counted on to do things that typically people take care of themselves. Delivery drivers would fill my car with gas, pick up my dry cleaning, and run various errands that I needed taken care of. Since retiring I have come to realize that people go to lunch, run errands, play golf, go to the doctor etc. while working. The concept was really foreign to me. Playing golf during the week and seeing working people on the course baffled me. Going to lunch and seeing people out during the day for hour long meals was another shock. Running into people (on the clock,so to speak) at the post office, UPS office and grocery store was (and is) something that is still hard for me to grasp. I am not saying any of this with regret, just pointing out the way I went about working, and I know a lot of it was my choice. I was lucky (in my opinion) to have had a father that instilled a work ethic in me that I embraced and tried to live up to. My dad, Jim Myers, was a tireless worker that set a wonderful example that I tried my best to live up to, and I feel like I was able to. I only have had two jobs in my life, keeping score at PARA when I was 13 and Jim Myers Drug, starting at 14. Not many people are lucky enough to be able to say that. It is something I would not trade for anything, and I have no regrets. I truly miss my employees and customers (most of them anyway!) but I can not believe how much great big wonderful world is out here that I am able to enjoy now. I do not miss the headaches of insurance companies, government regulations and the such. The pharmacy business used to be much more fun, but the red tape involved (with it and all businesss really) seemed to get longer and more involved by the year. People that know me, and follow my social media, know that I have done several things to keep busy, and that hasnt been a problem at all. I have taking up running and spend each morning doing that and working out. I write about Alabama baseball and basketball for a blog, Roll Bama Roll, I attend many, many ball games, play golf occasionally, and travel a lot. I finally am able to spend time with my beautiful, sweet, lovely wife, Sherry, and we have spent a great deal of time in Destin. I offer a little help to Sherry and Myerco Properties. I now go to the cleaners, the post office, Doctors appointments, hairs appointments, and Dentist appointments during the day and sometimes go to lunch! I have come to appreciate things and as my friend David Humber use to tell me I have learned to smell the roses. I told David that I have smelled so many roses these last two years that I might need a nose transplant. That will be my next goal, to need a nose replacement. In closing, Im sorry for rambling, but these thoughts were just pouring into my head and I needed to get them out on paper (so to speak.) Remember to enjoy life, play the hand you are dealt, and try to do something you love, it sure makes things easier. Sincerely Roger
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 02:49:49 +0000

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