How I became a Pastor and was promoted to becoming a - TopicsExpress


How I became a Pastor and was promoted to becoming a Bishop When recently a letter got to me from an organisation outside Nigeria,l was shocked. Shocked not because the invitation was from beyond the shores(such doesnt amaze anyway). l was shocked because it was addressed to Bishop Oreofe Williams. l put a call through to them that the letter didnt get to the Bishop but had been given to me. The woman who answered me said the mail is for a young Nigerian Filmmaker, motivational speaker and a Bishop...someone who works with us has confirmed that.l laaaaaughed. Just before l begin to get many more bishoprick l felt there was a need to quickly correct this impression. l know very many associates of mine who,for reasons best known to them,find it difficult to call me by my name(at least in my presence),l need to quickly let you know about my ordination before you bring the next mail. It was 1995. Mr Akindele had lined up all the students of ljebu Ode Grammar School to the beat them. l cant remember our sins but l know it had something to do with another female teacher who, as usual,had hired Akindele to beat us. Our female teachers never used canes but they were fond of hiring dreaded male teachers to teach us lessons. Mr Akindele was widely dreaded and just like Mr Wale Adekogbe, they were brilliant teachers who would teach you to excel in their subjects. If Akindele taught you Mathematics and you refused to know it, youve got to refuse forever. lf Akindele lashes you with his factory fitted egba and you refuse to cry,not even your fathers death will make you cry. His own beating was the ebola we dreaded in the 90s. Lai! Akindele sounded on the first unlucky boy. That one ran helter-skelter crying lya mi OOOO. That didnt stop our teacher from giving the boy the rest of his hot delicacies. There was something we called tospe.Students in Private schools must be missing. l learnt they dont beat them. When a teacher says you will take two lashes and you end up taking twenty-four, the 22 jara on top are what you call tospe. Lie down... lie down, remove your hand,face front etc. All these are usually accompanied by tospe. My Maths teacher was a professor at that. It soon got to my turn like rapture. Not everyone believes Jesus is coming back our beliefs do not matter this King will return. l was shievering when it got to my turn. Lau! It was an electric shock in my bones! Jeeeesuuu! l shouted. See this Pastor Akindele jeered. Gbam! Till l left school everyone was calling me a Pastor. l was rolling on the ground like a fellow under deliverance. Akindele didnt beat me again. Thats what the name of Jesus can do for you. You want to hear how l became a Bishop? Another time. Some folks are waiting for me outside and the Bishop shouldnt keep them waiting.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 08:18:35 +0000

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