How MAD does this make those who dont believe in sky fairies - TopicsExpress


How MAD does this make those who dont believe in sky fairies ? So, its ok to have freedom of expression, to hold regular studies on various religious texts, to meet and pray for things that NEVER happen. If anyone, like me, were to stand against it they are pilloried for NOT believing. Why does almost every religion, including the nutters like Westboro Church have a RIGHT to demonstrate at funerals, to bear placards stating God Hates Fags etc etc etc; BUT..........atheists are NOT allowed to have meetings without it attracting reports like this shit ? Seriously, can someone, ANYONE, explain to me why non-believers should be targeted. After all, it is the SECOND largest group worldwide, only Islam has more following. Religion WILL be the cause of the downfall of humanity, eventually. Religion is a cancer which cannot be stopped. Religion, ALL religions, does not have ONE SINGLE item of proof that a sky fairy, or number of sky fairies, exist. There is NO empirical evidence AT ALL. NONE. There is massive evidence, proven evidence, of how evolution has created what we see today. For all the ills in the world, the hunger,murder,rape,torture,homelessness,greed of the wealthy, enslavement of the poor, the countless TRILLIONS of prayers said are NEVER answered. WHY ? Btw, what happens when one gets to heaven ? wtf do you DO for all eternity ? PRAY SOME MORE ? For what ? Youre already in heaven so wtf do you need to pray for ? Do people work there ? They cant drink, have fun, procreate, so what EXACTLY is heaven ? Seriously, someone who is in the know please tell me what happens for ALL eternity once you hit this magical place ? Are their pets there ? children ? or is it just a gazillion souls flying about with wings bumping into one another saying, WOW, this heaven is some place eh?
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:42:57 +0000

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