How Many Of These Noted People “Along The Congregational Way” - TopicsExpress


How Many Of These Noted People “Along The Congregational Way” Do You Recognize? – A 1916 Perspective The following list of persons in the past who were important to Congregationalism appeared in the 1916 booklet, “Pilgrim Deeds And Duties: A Handbook of Congregational History And Outlook.” [101-104]. Among all the men in this list, I see four women. Do you know who all four of those women were and why they likely were considered important? “ALONG THE CONGREGATIONAL WAY” -HERALDS AND PIONEERS- THE WEAVERS OF WORCESTER, 1165, “scourged, excommunicated and banished for using freedom to worship God.” WM. OF OCCAM, 1270, condemned by Pope John xxiii for asserting the supreme authority of the Scripture. JOHN WYCLIF, 1380, with his Bible done into English and his “Lollards,” so alarmed priests and Parliament that an Act was passed for burning heretics. ROBERT BROWNE, d. 1630, “ the first Englishman of strong intellectual gifts to win distinction as a preacher of separation.” John Greenwood, Henry Barrowe and John Penry, martyrs, 1593. -OF THE MAYFLOWER COMPANY, 1620- WM. BREWSTER, d. 1644, Ruling Elder. WM. BRADFORD, d. 1657, Governor. JOHN CARVER, d. 1621, Governor. SAMUEL FULLER, Physician. JOHN ROBINSON, d. 1625; remained at Leyden. MYLES STANDISH, d. 1656, Captain. EDWARD WINSLOW, d. 1655, Governor. -A HUNDRED NOTED NAMES- Residents of England are indicated by (E) ABBOT, JACOB, d. 1879, author. ALLON, HENRY, D.D. (E.), author, ed. British Quarterly, d. 1892. ANGELL, JAMES B., d. 1916, U. S. Min. China, Pres. Mich. Univ. ARMSTRONG, SAM’L C., d. 1893, Brig. Gen.; founder Hampton Inst. ATKINSON, GEO. H., pioneer miss’y to Oregon, 1848. BACON, LEONARD, D.D., d. 1881, pastor, author, prof. Yale College, one of founders of “The Independent.” BARRETT, G. S., Rev. (E.), d. 1916. BEECHER, HENRY WARD, d. 1887. BEECHER, LYMAN, D.D., d. 1863. BERRY, CHAS. A., D.D. (E.), d. 1899. BINGHAM, HIRAM, D.D., d. 1908, missy Sandwich Isls. BINNEY, THOS., LL.D. (E.), d. 1874. BLISS, EDWIN E., D.D., d. 1892, missy Amer. Board in Turkey. BRADFORD, AMORY H., D.D., d.1911, Moderator National Council. BRAINERD, DAVID, d. 1747, missy to Indians. BUSHNELL, HORACE, D.D., d. 1876, pastor and theologian. CAPEN, SAMUEL B., d. 1915, Pres. S. S. Soc. and Amer. Board. CHAMBERLAIN, JOSHUA L., Genl, Gov. Maine, 1867-70, Pres. Bowdoin Col. CHAPIN, AARON L., D.D., d. 1892, Pres. Beloit Col. CRAVATH, ERASTUS M., D.D., d.1900, first Pres. Fisk Univ. CUTLER, MANASSEH, LL.D., d. 1823,one of founders of Marietta Col.,O. DAWES, HENRY L., LL.D., d. 1903,U. S. Senator, Ch. Indian Com. DALE, R. W., D.D. (E.), d. 1895,pastor, author, theologian. DeFOREST, J. K., D.D., d. 1911, missy Amer. Board in Japan. DEXTER, HENRY MARTYN, D.D., d.1890, Ed. “Conglist,” writer and authority on Congl history and usage. DIMAN, JERE. LEWIS, d. 1881, Prof. Brown Univ., historian. DINGLEY, NELSON D., editor, member of Congress, Modr Nat. Council. DOOGE, MARTIN LUTHER, d. 1915, Prof, of Greek, Univ. Mich., Director Amer. School of Arch., Athens. DWIGHT, TIMOTHY, LL.D., d. 1817, Pres. Yale Col., theologian. EDWARDS, JONATHAN, D.D., d.1758, pastor Northampton, Mass., missy to Indians, Pres. Princeton Coll., first great American philosopher. ELIOT, JOHN, d. 1690, Apostle to the Indians. EMMONS, NATHANAEL, D.D., d.1840, pastor and theologian. FAIRBAIRN, ANDREW MARTIN, LL.D., d. 1912, Prin. Mansfield Col., Oxford (E.), theologian. FAIRCHILD, JAMES H., D.D., d.1902, theologian, Pres. Oberlin Col. FINNEY, CHARLES G., d. 1875, evangelist, Pres. of Oberlin Col. FISHER, GEO. P., D.D., d. 1909, Prof. Yale Univ., ecclesiastical historian. FORD, H. Clark, d. 1915, banker. GOODELL, WM., D.D., d. 1871, missionary to Turkey. GOODELL, CONSTANS., D.D., d.1886, leading pastor in St. Louis. GROUT, LEWIS, REV., d. 1905, missionary to Africa. HAMLIN, CYRUS, D.D., d. 1900,missy Amer. Brd., Turkey. HARDY, ALPHEUS, d. 1887, Boston merchant, promoter of Missions. HARVARD, JOHN, REV., d. 1638, first benefactor of Harvard Col. HEADLEY, P. C., REV., d. 1903, author. HITCHCOCK, EDWARD, d. 1864, geologist, Pres. Amherst Col. HOPKINS, MARK, LL.D., d. 1887, Pres. Amer. Board, Pres. Williams Col. HOPKINS, SAMUEL, D.D., d. 1803, theologian. HORNE, C. SYLVESTER, REV. (E.), d. 1914, Yale lecturer. HOWARD, O. O., d. 1909, Major Gen., chief Freedmens Bureau. JOHNS, GRIFFITH, D.D., (E.), d.1912, missy London M. Soc. China. LIVINGSTONE, DAVID (E.), d. 1873, missionary and explorer, Africa. MASON, LOWELL, d. 1872, Mus. Doc, father of American church music. MATHER, COTTON, D.D., d. 1725, pastor Second Church in Boston, author. MATHER, INCREASE, D.D., d. 1725, co-pastor Second Church, Pres. Harvard Col. MEAD, C. M., D.D., d. 1911, Prof. Andover and Hartford; author. MILTON, JOHN (E.), d. 1674, author, poet. MOFFAT, ROBERT, D.D., d. 1883, missy London M. S. Africa, father-in-law of Livingstone. MOODY, DWIGHT L., d. 1899,evangelist. MUNGER, T. T., D.D., d. 1910, pastor, author. NASON, ELIAS, d. 1887, author and compiler of hymn-books. NEESIMA, JOSEPH, Japan, founder Doshisha. NETTLETON, ASAHEL, D.D., d. 1844, evangelist and hymn-writer. PACKARD, ALPHEUS S., d. 1884, author, Prof. Bowdoin Col. PALMER, ALICE FREEMAN, MRS., d. 1902, President Wellesley Col. PALMER, RAY, D.D., d. 1887, pastor, poet. PARK, EDWARDS A., D.D., LL.D., d. 1900, theologian and author. PARKER, JOS., D.D. (E.), d. 1902, City Temple, London, preacher, author, and lecturer. PATTON, W. W., D.D., d. 1889, pastor, founder and editor “The Advance.” PEARSONS, D. K., benefactor of colleges and schools. PORTER, JEREMIAH, D.D., pioneer preacher on site of Chicago. PORTER, NOAH, D.D., d. 1892, professor at Yale, philosopher, lexicographer. POWELL, JAMES, D.D., d. 1881, Sec. Amer. Missy Assoc. PRENTISS, ELIZ. PAYSON, d. 1878, authoress. PUNCHARD, GEO., D.D., d. 1880, founder and editor Boston “Traveller,” author of Hist. Conglism. QUINT, ALONZO H., D.D., pastor, statistician, authority in matters of polity. RIGGS, ELIAS, D.D., d. 1901, missy Amer. Board in Turkey, translator of Scriptures. RIGGS, STEPHEN R., d. 1883, missy to the Dakota Indians. ROSS, A. HASTINGS, D.D., d. 1893, pastor, writer on Congregational polity. SEELYE, JULIUS H., D.D., d. 1895, author, philosopher, Pres. Amherst Col. SHAW, LEMUEL, LL.D., d. 1861, jurist. SILLIMAN, BENJ., d. 1864, chemist, geologist. Prof. Yale Col. STEARNS, LEWIS F., D.D., d. 1892, Prof. Albion Col., Bangor Theo. Sem. STORRS, RICHARD S., D.D., d. 1900, pastor, editor, Pres. Amer. Board. STOUGHTON, JOHN, D.D., (E.), d.1897, historian. STOWE, HARRIET BEECHER, MRS., d.1896, author of Uncle Toms Cabin, etc. STRIEBY, MICHAEL E., D.D., LL.D., d. 1899, Sec. A. M. A. STRONG, JOSIAH, D.D., d. 1916, sec. O. H. M. S., writer on social subjects. STURTEVANT, JULIAN M., D.D., d.1886, pioneer, Illinois Band, founder and prof, in Illinois Col. TAYLOR, NATHANIEL W., D.D., d.1858, theologian, leader of theNew Haven School. THOMPSON, RALPH WARDLAW, D.D.(E.), d. 1915, Sec. London Miss. Soc. TRUMBULL, HENRY CLAY, D.D., d.1903, army chaplain, editor “S. S. Times.” TURNER, ASA, D.D., d. 1885, pioneer, Iowa Band. TYLER, BENNET, D.D., theologian, leader of the East Windsor School. WADDINGTON, JOHN, D.D., (E.), d. 1880, historian. WALKER, AMASA, LL.D., d. 1875, political economist, lecturer at Oberlin and Amherst Colleges, member of Congress. WALKER, FRANCIS A., d. 1897, Brig. Gen., supt. census, Pres. Mass. Inst. Technology. WARD, ELIZ. STUART PHELPS, MRS., d. 1911, authoress. WARD, JOS., D.D., Pres. Yankton Col., S. Dak. WARD, WILLIAM HAYES, LL.D., d.1916, archaeologist, author, editor. WARREN, I. P., D.D., d. 1892, Sec. Seamans Friend Soc, Amer. Tract Soc, proprietor and Ed. “Christian Mirror.” WASHBURN, GEO., D.D., d. 1915, Pres. Roberts Col., Constantinople. WATTS, ISAAC, D.D. (E.), d. 1748, pastor and hymn-writer. WHITMAN, MARCUS, REV., d. 1847, pioneer missionary who saved Oregon to the Union. WILLIAMS, JOHN, REV., d. 1839, missy L. M. S., South Sea Islands. WILLIAMS, S. WELLS, LL.D., d.1884, China. WOLCOTT, S., D.D., d. 1886, Sec. Ohio H. M. S., author of hymns. ++++++
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 16:03:16 +0000

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