How Martial Arts Will Make You a More Confident Socially - TopicsExpress


How Martial Arts Will Make You a More Confident Socially Attractive Person While the idea of becoming this confident, fit, socially attractive person is appealing, the process of getting there may seem so difficult, painful, and scary that it paralyses you. The fear of making this effort can quickly pull you back into repeating the same old patterns. This is why joining a good martial arts school makes this process so easy. You Are Going To Graduate from Confidence College When you join a good martial arts school, think of it as going to Confidence College. Join the school with the goal of earning a black belt. You can’t just take a semester and get the degree. You have to complete the course. You have to immerse yourself for the total effect to take place. The time is going to go by anyway, and you may never have a better chance to do this. The Power of Your Resolve Maybe you are getting to the point where you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of these patterns that have got you here. You’ve reached a point where you decide you are going to regain control of your life. You’ve simply had it with feeling this way and you are going to do whatever it takes to get healthy. This creates a powerful motivation that no external reward can match. This is a point where you realize the power that you have in your own resolve. The Only Two Requirements in Martial Arts When you join a good martial arts school you will start in a class with other beginners (white belts.) You will not be expected to know anything about martial arts. The only requirements are that you will always give 100% effort. I know you can do that. A 100% New You Much like earning a black belt, you will not be able to get strong overnight. It’s impossible to change anything in a week. However, if you think about improving 1 – 2% per week, every week, over the course of a year you will have made a 100% improvement. Imagine what you will be like this time next year. You’ll be proud of yourself. The Key to Rapid Improvement in Your Life You will progress through the belts with your new friends and that is a key point. “Your new friends” is a powerful line. One of the many advantages of a good school is that you will be making new friends with similar interests and goals. You will improce together in a structured constructive environment. Training your Mind Martial arts training are not just a great workout but it engages your mind. For a lot of people, exercise is pretty boring. There is nothing to engage your mind other than the will power to do it. In martial arts class, there are all kinds of mental lessons, strategies, philosophies and much more that will stimulate your mind in a powerful and positive way. The intricate details require your mind to focus while you are improving your body. Gaining New Strategies for Personal Success Once you begin training in a good martial arts school, you will find yourself viewing the world from a different perspective. In the martial arts there is a huge emphasis on doing things correctly. There is a right way to perform a technique. You always strive for perfection, not mediocrity. At first, you focus this on your techniques in class because you want to advance through the belt ranks and get closer to black belt. In time though, you find yourself applying this standard to all aspects of your life. The Single Most Powerful Lesson Black belt is a powerful metaphor for personal excellence. The idea simply is this; If black belt is the best in martial arts, what is the black belt equivalent in this situation? How would a black belt listen to the teacher in school? How would a black belt do his job at work? What would it mean to be a black belt in this project I am working on? This is the single most powerful lesson the martial arts will instill into your life and it will never leave you. You will learn to approach life from a perspective of excellence/success rather than failure. Whereas the old you would have quit or never started a challenging project, the new you understand that you are not going to be a black belt in anything overnight. Hence 100% effort, drive to make it happen. You know that, like earning a black belt, there will be steps to take and lessons to be learned to reach the black belt level in this project. You will learn to gage your progress in terms of your belts. “I’m a green belt at that right now. I’m a brown belt at that right now.” You will gain confidence and comfort knowing that you understand that learning happens in four stages. 1. You don’t know what you don’t know. This is much like your first night as a white belt. Wait until you begin to learn what you don’t know about self-defense. You will be so excited. 2. You begin to learn what you didn’t know even if you can’t do it very well yet. This happens with each new belt and it’s what keeps learning martial arts fun. There is always something new to learn. It never gets old. 3. You can do it but you have to think about it. This is like a brown belt, which is an advance student. Brown belts have some skill, but it’s not yet a natural extension of who they are. 4. You can do it without thinking about it. You are at the black belt level. A black belt doesn’t think about what to do. A good black belt executes effortlessly without thinking or planning. It just happens. There is no better feeling of confidence than when you feel like you are in the best shape of your life and you can handle whatever life throws at you. You will gain a sense of control about who you are and where you are going that will make you feel unstoppable. Most of all, you will learn how to be a leader. Then, one day you can help others with your wisdom and experience.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:29:03 +0000

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