How Much You Know Myanmar - Not ABOUT Myanmar? If you are - TopicsExpress


How Much You Know Myanmar - Not ABOUT Myanmar? If you are directly or indirectly concern with/in Myanmar, please read what I write below or you can delete it. I send it to you only for your interest. 1. Bamar They are the majority leading the country group. 99% is the Buddhists. Generally, there are two kinds of Bamar, A-nya-tha [Bamar living mainly in the middle of Myanmar] and Yangon-tha [Bamar living mostly in both Yangon areas and lower Myanmar and they are called the new generation of Bamar which means they are mixed Bamar race]. Most of the soldiers are a-nya-tha including most of the army officers and they are not interest in other government services except the armed forces. New generation Bamar [Yangon-tha] is more clever than A-nya-tha and they are mostly found in the following services - the non-armed forces government services, NGOs and in the international agencies, etc. A-nya-mye called the land or places where the A-nya-thas are living is very similar with the land of Canan. The heart and the symbol of Bamar is SNAKE - one of the Dragons [You can study its meaning in the Bible] and it is religiously originated from their Buddhism [For Thailand, even though they are the Buddhists, their symbol is not snake, but elephant but snake - one of the symbols of the Buddhism is generally related to their faith also]. However, Bamar has many changing mind which is related with the different culture and idols they adopted in their different religious concepts from others - especially from the Indians and Chinese; and it is related with the influences of Indians [culturally] and of the Chinese [economically first and then politically second]. Korean liberal culture is now mostly influenced among non-conservative Buddhists. 2. Karen & Kareni They are very similar one another in thoughts and actions like one brothers from one family. They are very opposite with the Bamar, especially the a-nya-tha. So, a competition of Myanmar Kick-Boxing is not only the athletic but mainly the fighting of their National Spirit. The heart and symbol of them is the IRON CROSS. Generally, the Iran Cross is a seal of a music band led by Karen but this symbol is not just only a music band, it is a symbol adopted from the highest award of Nazi and Hitler or Germans. So, no wonder that Karen is the Germans and Germans is the Karen because they mostly identified one another in all - thinking, action and motives. No ones can separate their relationship in spirit. One Karen prophecy said, Karen will fight and win the whole Myanmar and after that they will continue win Thailand. When Thailand fall under Karen, the Western countries will fight with the Karen to save Thailand but the Western countries will also be defeated like the American is defeated in the Vietnam War [they said]. This Karen prophecy is mostly kept in the spirits of today Karen people - in both the Christians and non-Christians. Their main enemy is Bamar and fought one another for over 60 years but no ones win one another! Karen did not very well know what the Bamar is! Karen Christians said that the Christian missions were spread into other ethnic groups in Myanmar ONLY BY KAREN [which means that the frontier missions in Burma were done not by the Western former missionaries]. When the Western missionaries did their tribal missions, Karen, who were the second converted after the Bamar first, partly followed to the western missionaries as the assistance helpers. Bamar loves power, and authority than/and money. Karen also are power-hunger people than money. Bamar is secretly and uses trick but Karen is blindly, openly and prefers of using of the physical strength and power. If Karen people may rule Myanmar, they will be worst than the Bamar and the Bamar and Chins will be more suffered [but it will never be happened till the end of the world]. 3. Kahin, Lahu and A-kha They are similar one another in motives. They are more similar with the Koreans. So, they prefers and works mostly with the Korean churches than Chinese. They are liberals and social people in culture and politics. They do not interest to get the leading positions when Shan and Karen people are ever-ready for it but they prefer to live in the separation and certainly and peacefully. After most of the Kachin people become the Christians, they have not interested in any Christian missions. 4. Chin They are the last today leading the Christian missionary movement in Myanmar. Northern Chins are mostly the liberals and social people. Tedim Chins are the leading people of today Pentecostal and Charismatic movement in Myanmar; and they are an influential people upon the military government by giving closed advises because they are the largest in the military services in Myanmar after the Bamar. The name of Tedim Chins is the same with Chinese. Likewise, the idea [mainly the economics and politics] also is the same. Between Tedim Chin [Christians] and Bamar [Buddhists] have many mixed marriages and it is deeply depending their mutual interest: money and power. But Tedim must be/by and for Tedim is their never-unchangeable vision and philosophy. Some little difference between Tedim Chin and Bamar is Tedim is like the snake but Bamar is the snake. Falam Chin is absolutely as of the Koreans in all. The rest of Northern Chins do not know Bamar and other ethnic groups very well although they are very good in the political ideas [not practical]. The heart of the Chins is as of the Americans only and no ones can separate it at all. But Tedim Chin is not included. The problems by the Church buildings and money are very top in Myanmar is among the Tedim Chin Christians. They are very top secret people group. Among the Southern Chins, Matu Chin is as the Bamar mostly in the characteristics and motives. If they may not be the Christians, they are Bamar. In Matu Chins, there are two kinds of Matu, Doeen [similar with A-nya-tha and mostly served in the Christian services] and Ciing [similar with Yangon-tha and mostly served in the political services]. 5. The Christian Churches Myanmar Council of Churches [MCC] and the Christian organizations in Myanmar are the main places or roots where the racial problems is born and grew. These unseen and indirect problem are more danger than the political problems. For examples, Myanmar Baptist Churches Union [MBCU] led by the Bamar nationals is separately established as the racial segregation than the doctrinal distinctive from the Myanmar Baptist Convention [MBC] which is politically and mostly ruled by the Karen as their property throughout the generations. Karen group is still thinking that MBC is of them and so they still occupied some parts of the MBC buildings and set their Karen Baptist Convention headquarters offices till today - although they have money able to buy their own Convention building at a certain place. Myanmar Council of Churches [MCC] is one of the worse problems. These problems are worse when foreign supports are received and its money and responsibilities are divided. I know, how these unseen and indirect virus will be in the end. In Myanmar, indirectly and directly robbing of the foreign sponsors of the Christian organizations by the following ways: telling lies, being temporary partnerships, using various methods, e.g. hypocrisy, wonderful mission reports, telling that God told me to work with you, etc are very popular among the Christian workers, especially the Christian leaders who want to privately run his or her own Christian organizations; and it is very easy for them to get foreign sponsors without spending many years to contact one another before affiliation one another or without going to foreign countries to find and get sponsors - because of they have known and seen that the foreign sponsors, who have already supported the Myanmar, of the Christian organizations in Myanmar are really interesting and really supporting Myanmar. Foreigners know that one Burmese person has only one face but many faces in reality. 6. Rakhine Almost 100% of the Rakhine is the Buddhists and Christian is less than Bamar. They worship the snake as they are the Buddhists but they are more dangerous than the snake. Their main enemy is Muslims. They do not like praises nor encouragement. Living certainly is the thing they do appreciate! 7. The tribes who like as the certain people and who will never care in thought and in any ways of any people in the world except their tribes to/by their tribes are Tedim or Zomi, Mara Chin, Rakhine and Lisu! 8. Conclusion : Decision If you are looking to work in Myanmar or you have been working in any political, social and religious purposes, this article of mine will support you to be a blessing, I hope. I have researched about Myanmar [Burma] for over 12 years and I wrote a secret book, namely How the Bible is Agreed with the Peoples in Myanmar [which had 1200 pages]. And it is an excerpted from it. This paper is life-based researched paper, not paper or news-based article. A Good seed only [of truth, of people group and of offerings - according to the Bible] which planted on a Good ground only is multiplied/blessed forever!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 07:17:44 +0000

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