How Nigeria destroys: The great danger of being part of Nigeria - TopicsExpress


How Nigeria destroys: The great danger of being part of Nigeria today is that Nigeria tends massively to corrupt everything and everybody. There is hardly anything to look up to in Nigeria. In most directions that one may look, the beckoning is perpetually and relentlessly towards the low, the ignoble and the graceless. Most of the privileged and influential seek nothing but their own. In the reckoning of the typical powerful and influential Nigerian, the masses of ordinary Nigerians are, at best, cannon fodder for the reaching of his warped goals – and at worst, just despicable beings deserving to be ignored in their poverty, their ignorance and their hopelessness. The famous writer, Wole Soyinka, once wrote a book with the title The Man Died. Man with the higher qualities and nobler passions of man has almost totally died out in Nigeria. Recently, in some other place, I pointed out one relieving feature in this generally depressing Nigerian landscape – namely, the strong spirit of religious tolerance and accommodation among Yoruba Muslims and Christians in a Nigeria in which most other Muslim peoples have turned the great religion of Islam into the reason for the massacres of their fellow men, the destruction of whole settlements, and the disruption of a whole country. But, unfortunately, in the realm of partisan politics, no such relieving feature exists anywhere in Nigeria – not even among the Yoruba. Everywhere in Nigeria, party politics has been bestialized into a horrible and unrestrained civil war in which prominent politicians set up whole propaganda outfits to lie perpetually and to cruelly besmirch opponents – and hire young men to attack, harass and murder political opponents. And the goal of all the beastly lying and the satanic plots to murder is never to gain political positions for the purpose of serving the interests of country and people; it is to enhance the politician’s access to the country’s money and other resources. Hordes of young people are easily available for recruitment because they are unemployed, poor, and desperate to earn some income – even if it is income from the hand of Satan himself. All things considered, I believe that most informed observers would agree that one of the saddest aspects of this political debauchery in Nigeria is that it has become strongly entrenched among the Yoruba people, in the Yoruba South-west, too. This is one of the worst among the terrible legacies that Nigeria has bequeathed to any Nigerian nation. It should never have found acceptance and root in Yoruba soil. The Yoruba are the inheritors of nearly 1000 years of a supremely orderly political system and governance which respected the sovereignty of the people, emphasized respect of the rulers for the ruled, established powerful instruments for the moderation of the conduct of rulers and influential notables, and made government a reliable servant of the people. In modern times, when the European system of elected governments came to Nigeria in the 1950s, the predominantly Yoruba Western Region easily led Nigeria in orderly democratic politics, free and fair elections, and government that powerfully advanced the well-being of citizens. But today, the Yoruba seem to be very eagerly throwing away all their own wonderful political heritage and avidly grabbing Nigeria’s horrible political heritage. Sadly, in today’s Yoruba South-west, persons elected or appointed into state governments come into office breathing fire and brimstone against political opponents, thereby destroying orderly cooperation between the constitutional arms of government, and generally giving the people whom they rule the terrible image of an unruly and barbarous people. Yoruba politicians serving in the federal government think that their duty is to launch attacks on Yoruba state governments controlled by other parties, and to use federal power and federal agencies to humiliate and disrupt such state governments. Most leading Yoruba politicians are armed with militias of cronies who are employed in such despicable tasks as mindlessly lying against their boss’s opponents, carrying out assassinations, disrupting the activities and meetings of opponents, and killing at random in order to instill fear into opponents. In the background to all these is the fact that party membership has been robbed of all meaning. The politician who is powerfully seeking his party’s nomination for an election today, if he happens to lose the nomination, has no qualms whatever about becoming a contestant for the nomination of another party by tonight. Even a politician who has been loyally elected into government on the platform of a party, has no pangs of conscience at all about deserting his party for another party – he does not think of himself as having any duty to the persons who laboured to get him elected. In the context of all this horse trading and betrayal, the traditional sensibilities of Yoruba people are being massively distorted, and Yoruba traditional commitment to good governance is being ruthlessly destroyed. Thus, for the most part, governors, elected representatives, and political leaders among Yoruba people today are not leaders and rulers of their people in any meaningful sense; they are brigands and desperadoes seeking nothing other than the chance to steal public money and to build up huge wealth thereby - so as to be able to squirrel money out of Nigeria for hiding in secret bank accounts abroad, for buying expensive real-estate properties in other lands, for taking girlfriends on expensive trips, and even buying expensive houses for girlfriends, abroad. These acts of brigandage contribute greatly to poverty among their people. Of course, the accumulation of all power and resources in the hands of the federal government, and the general mess being forever compounded by the federal government, are the taproot of poverty in Nigeria. But state and local politicians, by their profligate behavior and betrayal of their people, add enormously to the poverty in two ways. In the first place, their stealing of public money adds much to the failure of state and local progammes of development. They leave very little chance of success for plans to improve the schools, to improve state and local roads and water supply, to assist businesses and increase job opportunities for the people, etc. In the second place, the wild, noisy and unruly politics tends to drive or keep good businesses and employment opportunities away. There are great amounts of investment capital seeking to come from the richest countries to virgin countries worldwide, but no businessman or investor would ever want to bring his investment or business to a place where political life is unstable and frequently agitated. For some of the states of Nigeria, including some states of the South-west, promises by the governors or aspiring governors to attract businesses and improve employment opportunities are mere lies. Their disorderly politics makes any fulfilment of such promises impossible. Stable and orderly politics is the first requirement of economic development in any country or state. All that I have said here about the Yoruba South-west are true of the rest of Nigeria. Indeed, some parts of Nigeria are much worse than the South-west. The crucial point about the Yoruba of the South-west is that they started off in modern times with a great and enviable political heritage and that, rather than build on that heritage, they have been junking it in recent times. Original link Read More (y) ✍comment ☏share
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 04:00:24 +0000

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