How Shameless of Maj Gen Athar Abbas to critisize his ex boss just - TopicsExpress


How Shameless of Maj Gen Athar Abbas to critisize his ex boss just months after Gen. Kiyani retired. He should have waited longer. I hope there are no such whistle blowers amongst the Judiciary who start slamming their former boss CJP Abu Arsalan aka PCO Chaudhary. Even Babar Sattar waited for the weeks before Abu Arsalans retirement before he took some mild but harmless digs. At this point in point, we must appreciate Good Jinnah Liberals aka General Kiyani Liberals who are slamming Athar Abbas and not Kiyani! I love the analogy of comparing General Shahid Aziz with General Athar Abbas. General Shahid Aziz was instrumental in shoring up the coup of General Musharaf before he was sidelined for having a soft corner for the Taliban - kind of like General Kiyani. Shahid Aziz claims he was opposed to Musharafs adventure in Kargil - a fact he brought up 14 years later and on the alleged motivation that he was sidelined. Athar Abbas is slamming Kiyani for not undertaking a vital operation against the Taliban for which he already had the permission from the then Gillani-Zardari government. Athar only waited for a few months to slam his former boss. Maj Gen Athar was not even a Corps commander and did not wield the same influence with General Kiyani as opposed to General Shahid Aziz who was one of the 2-3 senior corps commanders without whose support General Musharafs coup would not even have been possible. The Sindhi Witch Benazir is on record that it was she who had refused the Kargil plan when it was presented to her. No such evidence exists for either General Shahid Aziz or Nawaz Sharif who was probably more interested in the snacks during the meeting when the Kargil plan was presented to him. Earlier this year, in a book with explosive revelations, Carlotta Gall had highlighted how subservient General Kiyani was to the Deobandi militant organization ASWJ-LeJ and relied on their vice President, Malik Ishaq to bail him out when the Taliban attacked GHQ. Even though the case of Shahid Aziz vs Athar Abbas is as different as apples vs oranges or in this apples vs onions, we have to hand it to Good Kiyani Liberals for batting for the former Unofficial Presidente of Pakistan. This is a tough time for former Civil Society heros like Abu Arsalan and his Protector/Boss General Kiyani. We need Good Kiyani Liberals to obfuscate the issue and slam anyone who goes against the Deobandi establishment even as we Selectively continue to abuse and mock the Anti-Taliban Barelvi/Shia/Ahmadi/Christain establishment. We must continue to live in the fictional binaries constructed by Good Kiyani Liberals who praise the El General El Presidente for not launching a Formal Coup or a proper operation against the Taliban while abusing even the chance/prospect/potential of an actual change in the State policy of supporting the Taliban. Good Kiyani Liberal icons like Abu Arsalan, Nawaz Sharif and General Kiyani have done a great service to supporting and strenghtening the Taliban and ASWJ-LeJ in Pakistan and for that, they are always treated with a soft hand by Good Kiyani Jinnah Liberals. Good Kiyani Jinnah Liberals should support Pro Taliban anti establishment elected Nawaz Sharif blindly, police massacres be damned. Forget the phrase of cutting the nose to spite the face. Pro Taliban Nawaz Sharif also opposed the operation as much as his Benefactor General Kiyani did. For that Good Kiyani Liberals must support both the General and the Capitalist who quotes Faiz and Jalib too. A Yazidi salute to those who continue to slam Athar Abbas for his whistle blowing as opposed to Kiyani for his services to the Taliban and ASWJ-LeJ Ali Abbas Taj Zafar Abbas Abdul Nishapuri Ale Natiq Khurram Naqvi
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:40:56 +0000

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