How To End Your Money Troubles YAH (Yahuah, Yahweh, - TopicsExpress


How To End Your Money Troubles YAH (Yahuah, Yahweh, Yehovah) wants to bless you and every single human on earth. He has every good desire and ability to give you all your needs and desires. He has the ability to do this for you and MILLIONS OF OTHERS. In the coming kingdom of YAH, the streets will be paved with gold (Revelation 21:18, 21); the whole city will be made of gold. Thousands (I hope) will live there and be sustained by YAH. With that same ability, He can provide everything you need in this life if you live in faith and obedience. He promises to give you the desires of your heart if you delight yourself in Him. (Psalms 37:4) Every promise and blessing promised to us is dependent on two things - our faith in YAH and our action on our faith, which is obedience. Belief and faith are two different things. Belief is just head knowledge of YAH. Faith, HOWEVER, is believing to the point that you act as YAH wants you to act. Remember, the Scripture says the devil believes and trembles. YAH is looking for belief and faith that leads to obedience. The Old Testament definition and usage of the word faith has the meaning consistent with this. By faith (believing and acting on that belief to the point of obedience) many things happened that were considered noteworthy and allowed YAH’s power to be revealed. Hebrews 11 tells of many these things. When one is “faithful”, it involves their mind’s thoughts and intentions as well as their dedicated actions. The Hebrew word for “faith” lends the meaning of a belief system that leads to obedient action. In every area of our lives, if we want YAH’s blessings, we must do what He asks us to do FIRST, in faith, obey, endure a short time of testing to see if we will cave in to disobedience, then the blessing comes. I have experienced it hundreds of times in my life and in many areas of my life, and it works like clockwork or like a scientific law that always is predictable. Deuteronomy 27-30 explains this clearly. When you accept Yeshua (Yahushua, Yehoshua, Yehshua), you enter an agreement with YAH. He forgives your past sins and you now must find out what is sin and avoid it at all costs BECAUSE OF WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE FOR YOU. IF He died for your past sins, could it possibly be right to continue sinning? YAH forbid. How shall we who are dead to sin continue any longer therein? (Romans 6). This agreement between you and YAH has 2 parts …an IF and a THEN. This is repeated numerous times in the Scripture. It is a binding agreement between 2 parties….you and YAH. He repeatedly says IF you do this, THEN I will do this. The part you do ALWAYS comes first. You have to show by faith that you have faith in Him that He exists before He has any obligation to do anything for you beyond your basic natural existence (a blessing and miracle in itself). You have to start obeying before He will start intervening. The reason believers have trouble and confusion in this financial area (and other areas) is that they believe what PEOPLE tell them instead of what the SCRIPTURES tell them. They rely on other men’s EXPERIENCES (who may have many secret disobediences in their lives or have a lack of faith) instead of totally relying on EXACTLY WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS. They believe the excuses men have made up for YAH that YAH Himself has NEVER given. Your whole life and every aspect of your life is dependent on your faith and expressing your faith through obedience to YAH’s ways IN EVERY ASPECT He has spoken a command, law, statute, or judgment to you. Deuteronomy 27-30 explains this very simply and clearly. If you want YAH to enter your financial aspect of life, do everything He says to do concerning your finances. This article is specific to helping you with your finances. Some people say give to YAH’s work 10%. Some say give to a work even though there is great trouble, division, deliberate disobediences, confusion, etc. in the work. As the saying goes, “YAH really knows my heart and intentions by giving this tithe”. Some say just give to the poor. Some say just give liberally. Some say you do not have to give anything to anybody as Yeshua has done all for us. Others say they cannot take care of themselves if they give to others. Some give their first tithe to the poor. Some use their second tithe for other purposes than the feasts of Yah. Some say just work hard and you will prosper. There are literally MILLIONS of people who have worked VERY hard every day or 6 days a week for their whole lives who never prospered or who never came out of abject poverty. Hard work ALONE is NOT the answer to prosperity. Hard work along with obedience to YAH’s way brings about financial prosperity. There have ALSO been many prosperity preachers who have deceived MASSES of believers WHILE THE PREACHERS’ POCKETS HAVE BEEN OVERFILLED. The Scripture speaks of our obligation, if willing, to YAH in the form of tithes and offerings. Some of these tithes go for YAH’s work. Some go to other people. One tithe goes back to the believer himself! Our financial prosperity and future depend on the measure we obey in portioning these tithes out on a regular basis, unwaveringly in faith. THE EXAMPLE IN EVERY SO –CALLED DISPENSATION HAS BEEN TO TITHE TO THE RIGHTLY THINKING, RIGHTLY ACTING RELIGIOUS LEADERS OR TO A WORK THAT IS 100% RIGHT WITH THE WAYS OF YAH. (Leviticus 27:30) This is called the first tithe. This may go to a man, a ministry, or just for printed truthful materials such as copies of Scriptures or truthful Scriptural studies to promote the progress of truth and the knowledge of YAH’s Word. Just make sure that whoever you give the money to, they are walking in ALL the ways of YAH. If you can find no man or ministry doing that, set the money aside and ask YAH to provide you opportunities to use this money to promote His Word in some way. Some think it is just produce like fruits or vegetables (Leviticus 27:30,32). That is not true as there is instruction to turn these things, which are increase, into cash (Deuteronomy 14:24, 25) and then take it to the temple (Deuteronomy 12:17) (which was where the leadership of dispensing truth and the ways of YAH was at that time). When you work anything other than the farming trade, you still get profit or increase. These fruits of these jobs can be tithed also monetarily. This tithe is on your increase. This means anything that is added to benefit you. It is salary, wages, etc. I personally tithe on the money that actually goes through my hands. If I am paid 200 dollars, I use that as the gauge for my 100% and tithe accordingly. If I get $35, I use that as the gauge for my 100%. Some of my paychecks at various times have had percentages taken out for social security and taxes. I pay on the gross pay as I have wonderful privileges in this country from the taxes taken out such as bridges over rivers and smooth roads to drive on. Yes, our government spends SOME of our total taxes wastefully, but I always say, MY taxes built that BRIDGE OR THAT ROAD AND THAT IS A BLESSING to me. Do you want YAH to bless your net or your gross? You make the choice. The second tithe is for the keeping of YAH’s holy days and festival days. (Deuteronomy 14:22-27) This is to buy food for these days, mainly. This is to be used for you to keep the feasts in the Scriptural correct way. This tithe is like vacation savings for you and your family! It is for you to have enough to have a relaxed and abundant time while resting and fellowshipping with YAH’s people at the appointed feasts of YAH, days YAH has set aside on His calendar to come down and meet with mere men. Of course, if you have never kept YAH’s feasts, this alone can stop your financial blessings because you have not set aside the second tithe attached to the keeping of the feasts! Again, mere men have said it is not necessary to keep the YAH’s feasts anymore, but YAH or Yeshua never said to stop keeping them (Matthew 5:17). Do what the Scripture says, not what men say! The feasts are purely prophetic. From Moses’ view, they predicted things to come. The spring feasts show what would happen at Yeshua’s first coming. The fall feasts show what will happen at Yeshua’s second coming WHICH HAS NOT HAPPENED YET! SO THEY CAN NOT BE FULFILLED YET! This, however, is another whole topic of study… The third tithe is taken year one and year three in a seven-year cycle to take care of the needs of the poor, widows, and orphans. (Deuteronomy 14:28-29) Of course, you can help widows, poor, and orphans at any time in any year as a free will good works offering. I take another tithe, a third tithe, every year to help orphans, poor, and widows. I have been so blessed by doing this that it would have been very foolish to have missed this blessing by NOT doing it! The sabbatical cycle has now been recovered, so it is possible to live within its framework (Joseph Dumond- The Chronology of the Jubilees). It is never wrong or the wrong time to take care of the poor, widows, and orphans, however. The faith part of triple tithing is that it must be done before any of the paycheck is spent. Of all money I get, before I do anything else, I set aside the 3 tithes and somehow, the rest of the week and month and all my needs get taken care of. On paper, the first time I did this, it looked like it would not work out, but in reality, YAH’s reality (since I had decided to place myself in YAH’s reality by faith and obedience), it worked out better than any budget I could have planned. My needs, my 8 children’s needs, which I was spiritually and materially responsible for, started to be filled more fully when I started doing this. There is the world’s reality (which involves a lot of time and chance) and there is YAH’s reality. You have to decide which realm you are going to put yourself in. Only by giving heed to ALL of YAH’s Word is He responsible to bless you in everything you do and everywhere you find yourself. This is spoken of plainly in Deuteronomy chapters 27-30 The first week I tithed, IT LOOKED LIKE the 100% was not enough to last the week, but by faith, I set aside the 3 tithes and, that week, the leftover 70% went farther than the original 100% would have. I have seen this happen FOR YEARS! So many various avenues of blessing were opened up to me for my family and me. YAH, in such creative ways, started providing in ways I had never seen in my life before. And on top of that, my husband, who refused to tithe, but supported our 8 children and me financially, started getting more money in his job with very rapid raises. The raises started the VERY week I started triple tithing. It amazed me that YAH had these blessings in store all that time. All He needed was to see the faith enacted by obedience. Some people gasp that if they take that much money out of their pay each week, they will never make it. How many of you are just barely making it RIGHT NOW… how many are in deep debt…how many just barely scrape by with confusion and want at times. What will surprise you is that the REASON you are experiencing all these things is BECAUSE you are not giving the 3 tithes and generous offerings. Let me explain… For the first 20 odd years of our marriage, my husband made all the money in our family and refused to tithe although he claimed to believe the Bible. We were amongst the below poverty level all the time he did this. I spent much time in prayer over this and YAH never forsook us even though we had no money at times. When my 8 children got bigger, I started making money at home so I decided to triple tithe every dollar I made BECAUSE I SAW THAT WAS THE SCRIPTURAL EXAMPLE. FROM THE VERY WEEK I STARTED DOING THIS, MY HUSBAND STARTED GETTING RAPID RAISES THAT WITHIN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME ALLOWED HIS SALARY TO GO UP TO 14 TIMES TO WHAT IT HAD BEEN PREVIOUSLY. He always worked hard and diligently. But now something was different! I BELIEVE IT WAS TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON MY TITHING. For 20 some years our financial situation did not change. We always just made it with food and used clothing. AS A MATTER OF FACT, I COULD ALWAYS COUNT ON OUR NOT HAVING ENOUGH. BUT AS SOON AS I STARTED SETTING ASIDE THE TITHES INSTRUCTED IN THE SCRIPTURES, OUR WHOLE FINANCIAL LIFE STARTED CHANGING. AFTER A TIME OF TESTING, I HEARD A VOICE SAY, YOU WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT MONEY IN YOUR PURSE AGAIN. This was after several weeks of triple tithing and not turning back. And it has happened just as the voice proclaimed. I have never run out of money in my purse since that time (at the writing of this article, it is now 21 years!). Before that, I could count on my being without enough money like clockwork BEFORE THE WEEK WAS OVER. I would many times spend my very last penny and still need more to complete a week or meal. I was reaping the reward of ignorance of YAH’s laws and rebellion AND PLAIN OLD DISOBEDIENCE. It was the same as if I had ignored the law of gravity when I wanted to jump off a cliff. I got what I asked for. I HAD LISTENED TO MEN (preachers) WHO SAID WE DID NOT NEED TO TRIPLE TITHE ANYMORE. The funny thing is…every one of them in this group was always hurting for money and hoping somehow, someway money was going to fall into their laps!!!! But when I obeyed, I got the reward of obedience…blessing. I realized after we started being blessed that the REASON I could ALWAYS COUNT ON not having enough PREVIOUSLY was BECAUSE I was IGNORING a part of YAH’S word I supposed to follow. For 20 some years I had been reaping the rewards of disobedience. FOR 20 YEARS WE COULD HAVE BEEN REAPING THE REWARDS OF OBEDIENCE IF WE HAD OBEYED. FOR THIS I MOURNED! I could count on not having enough like clockwork…the same way I could count on the HAVING PLENTY (the reward of obedience) like clockwork once I enacted obedience. The curse causeless shall not come. You reap what you sow. THE SCRIPTURES SAY THERE IS ONE LAW FOR THE JEW AND THE STRANGER (GENTILE) WHO WOULD JOIN TO WORSHIP THE TRUE ELOHIM OF HEAVEN (Exodus 12:49; Leviticus 24:22; Numbers 15:15, 16). These laws and their use and consequences are as sure as those of gravity and physics. Yah says if you bring forward your tithes and offerings, you will not be able to contain all the blessings He will pour upon you (Malachi 3:10). When you obey, the blessings of Deuteronomy 27-30 are enacted into your life. The devil wants you to live in confusion, doubt, and on the lowest level. YAH, on the other hand, wants you to live on the high places of the earth, WITH CLARITY OF THINKING, HOPE, and with blessings in every area of your life. But this will ONLY happen if you live in faith and obedience. The devil will use anyone at anytime who is willing to steer you off course from following His complete word. READ THE SCRIPTURES AND FOLLOW THEM EXACTLY! The Father is there to bless immediately when you enact obedience and to show you who is really in charge and capable of dispelling confusion and want. This is not a quick fix for anyone reading this. This is not a plan for someone to get rich quickly. This law of return on tithing is part of the COMPLETE LIFE OF OBEDIENCE in every area of life YAH expects of a righteous person. Truly serving YAH is a package deal with many facets to it and many details as well as broad themes. Multiple tithing is just one of many obediences expected of a true, devout believer. YAH is not mocked or fooled. He knows if your real intention is to follow ALL He has for you to do in His instructions for life (TORAH). Or if you are going to just pick and choose what you WANT to do or what is just CONVENIENT for you to do. There is a set of laws that governs a righteous person’s life. It is called the Torah. It is YHVH’s instructions on “How to live”! We are required to give heed to ALL of them if we want YAH’s intervention in our life and all aspects of our lives. We need to move in fear and love of YAH by surrendering ourselves to His ways and then wondrously receiving the blessings He has in store IN THIS LIFE for those who have belief, faith, and obedience as their guides and goals. Taste and see that the Heavenly Father is good. But it is also one of many areas people have been deceived about. Errant teachers and preachers have dumbed down the true life of a righteous person for believers. It is also an area of faith whose effects cannot be seen until obedience is enacted. Once obedience is enacted, you THEN see the blessing. Give and it shall be given unto you. You and I both know many people who cannot understand why YAH does not show up for them in certain areas of their lives when they feel they are walking as they have been taught. The trouble is---- they are walking as they have been taught! and not according to the wholeness of Scripture. Deuteronomy 27-30 shows us plainly that if we follow ALL of YAH’s commands, blessings would overtake us in every area of our lives. It also says if we neglect to do ALL (or any) of YAH’s commands, cursings would be at our side and in front of us continually without rest. Where are you now? Which side do you fall on now? Are you willing to taste and see that the Heavenly Father is good? All it takes is faith and action on that faith by being obedient. If you have made the step of faith in some areas your life...very good. Now is the time to complete your walk with Him by examining all of Scripture and all areas of your life and lining them up with Scripture. What a change you will see! What blessings you will be given! One day my daughter was watching her son. He was struggling with a piece of clothing trying to get it off. She said, “Do you want help?” He said,” NO!” very emphatically. He struggled as she stood by and watched him according to his wish. She could have stepped in at any second and helped him. She said, All right, struggle then. I saw this as an example of how YAH watches as we struggle to do things we cannot do without His help. He lets us struggle until we surrender to His ways and help. He is right there waiting to help, but allows us to struggle when we tell Him we will not do His will although stated in His Word or act out doing things contrary to His will. When we neglect to do things in a YAH approved way, we are in effect saying we do not want His help and blessings. When we understand that when we do things the way He wants us to do them, and then He promises to bless us BECAUSE of our faith and obedience, we get what the pattern of faith, obedience and blessings is that He promises. It is not that He will not or cannot help us; He is just giving you what you ask for. You get the reward of what you DO and WANT as we push Him away by disobedience. There are only two things that separate us from blessings…lack of faith and lack of obedience. Deuteronomy 26:16-“Today YAH your ELOHIM orders you to obey these laws and rulings. Therefore, you are to observe and obey them with all your heart and all your being. YOU ARE AGREEING TODAY THAT YAH IS YOUR ELOHIM AND THAT YOU WILL FOLLOW HIS WAY: OBSERVE HIS LAWS, MITZVOT, AND RULINGS: AND DO WHAT HE SAYS. IN TURN, YAH IS AGREEING TODAY THAT YOU ARE HIS OWN UNIQUE TREASURE, AS HE PROMISED YOU.” Your sins separate you from YAH and His interventions and blessings. He that turns his ears away from hearing the law, his prayers are an abomination to the Heavenly Father (Proverbs 28:9). Another aspect of financial freedom is that of offerings. The Scripture speaks of tithes AND OFFERINGS. These offerings are as follows – Holy day offerings (Deuteronomy 16:16) Regular offerings (Malachi 3:8) First fruits (Deuteronomy 26:1-11) Firstborn of men and beasts (Numbers 18:15-16; Exodus 34:20) Corners of the fields (Leviticus19:90) Gleanings (Leviticus 19:10; Deuteronomy 24:19-22) Fourth year fruit from trees (Leviticus 19:23-25) Money set aside to loan interest free to the poor (Deuteronomy 15:7-10) Ransom of one’s personal soul (Exodus 30:11-16) Free will offerings of thanksgiving Some of these offerings are only on produce of the land if you have it. Offerings are separate from tithing. Offerings are everything else He asks you to do financially outside of tithing. The holy day offerings were commanded to be given at the 3 feasts when all men were commanded to come to Jerusalem. They were commanded to not come before YAH empty handed (Exodus 3:21; Deuteronomy 16:16). An offering is above and beyond the tithes. The Jewish believe that their whole financial future is based on if they give these offerings or not. They believe as you sow, so shall you reap in the sense that what they sow at these feasts determines their financial future until the next feast offering. I have tested this idea personally, and it is true. Whatever you do today, determines much about your tomorrow. How you act, what you speak throws seeds into your future. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. It is much deeper than what people give it credit for. When you sow in faith, you reap more than you sow. When you plant one apple seed, you reap thousands of apples. When you obey YAH in giving, He allows you to reap much more than you sow in faith. One example…When our children were little we needed a rug for our home. We had saved many weeks and had saved $200. A church member we knew needed food for his family. We knew all we had was the $200. but we decided we could not withhold the money if we knew they needed food. So we gave them the money for food. We had saved a long time, but we decided to move in love and obedience to help them. We could start saving very slowly again. A couple of days later, my husband’s boss’ wife called us and said she had decided to change the rug in her WHOLE HOUSE. The rug they had had only been in the house a couple of months and was the gold color we wanted. She decided she wanted a different color! It was pure wool and cost almost $60. a square yard! It was enough for the living room and every bedroom in the house! WE NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THIS TYPE OF RUG ON MY HUSBAND’S SALARY! We sowed where YAH asked us to sow but reaped where we needed to reap! I have read many stories by some of the richest men, especially in America. Penney, Wanamaker, Rockefeller, George Mueller, Woolworth, Baldwin (of early locomotive works), Wrigley, Heinz, Hershey, Crowell (the founder of Quaker Oats), Kraft, LeTourneau, Colonel Sanders, Colgate, Kellogg and many other so called self made millionaires do not claim to be self made at all. They testified that YAH prospered them over their rivals at the time of great growth of their companies because they pledged in their hearts to tithe or more to YAH. They tithed AT LEAST; most testified they gave at least 30%, (some, as they prospered, gave up to 80% of their income) to Bible based, Yeshua proclaiming efforts. As financial times get harder, it is even more important to be faithful in money matters. The poor, the widows, the orphans need your tithes. You need the blessings that come from tithing to keep yourself and family financially afloat. You need to gather with other believers on the feasts and festivals of YAH for personal strengthening. Do not ever slack off. You do not know what blessing YAH has for you later today or tomorrow if you act righteously and holy financially responsibly today. You cannot see what YAH has for you right this minute, but you can believe and have faith some good thing will happen to you if you obey today. The more experiences you have by having faith and being specifically obedient, the more faith and belief you will have as you see YAH fulfill His word to you on a daily basis. In turn, it will give you more impetus to maintain your obedience as you receive more and more specific blessings. There is another thing that can stop your financial prosperity that few preachers speak about. Larry Huch explains this plainly in his book FREE AT LAST. It is from generational curse.s ha satan has a foot hold into your life. When YESHUA died for your sins, he also died to release you from the curses of your past as well as the curses that are passed down from generation to generation. One of these curses is poverty. You have to claim the blood of YESHUA against these curses and speak directly to ha satan that he is to get out of your financial prosperity in the future. Think of yourself only as a conduit when it comes to money. It is given to you to do His will with. If you give it away, more will come down the pipe for you. But be wise as to where you funnel it. Make sure it is a YAH approved place. In some cases, things should be bought to fill a need instead of just giving out the money value. Ask YAH for wisdom to use the money He has so graciously put in your trust in the right places. Do not feel sorry for every sad story. Realize that some people are being worked on by YAH when they have financial troubles. Use discernment to decide who is really poor and who is poorly managing their finances. Some people need hard lessons to start acting maturely, responsibly, and real and to deal with the issue of what is a need and what is a want. Seek His wisdom in all things. Unless your righteousness (doing things in the right way, doing things YHVH’s instructed way) exceeds (does better than) the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not see the kingdom of YHVH. This was said after He affirmed that not one jot or tittle of the law was done away and that there was blessing to him who does and teaches them and absence of blessing to he who does not do and teach them. You reap as you sow. Give and it shall be given unto you. All He asks is you work with what you have in the way He asks you to work with it. Soon faith turns into everyday reality as you see the fullness of YAH’s promises in every aspect of your life. -L.Robinson
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:35:07 +0000

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