How To Find Healing For Your Fractured Soul First Thessalonians - TopicsExpress


How To Find Healing For Your Fractured Soul First Thessalonians 5:23 reads, May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God wants to set us apart in our spirit, our soul, and our body. He wants to make us complete in all of our parts with no blemish. We are a spirit, that has a soul, that lives in a body. When we accept Jesus as Lord, our spirit is instantly regenerated, but now the process of the saving of the soul has to take place. Being born again brings to life our spirit and makes salvation, wholeness, possible for our soul. Spirit and Soul - the Heart of Man In James 1:21 we are told to get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls. The word save there is sozo, which means to preserve, deliver, heal, make whole, bring to life the soul. The spirit and soul make up the heart of man. We have two incoming flows into our heart. One is our spirit, which is Gods channel. Then we have our self-channel which is the soul – our mind, will, emotions, intellect. We have to learn to get the soul taken care of, transformed, and submitted to the spirit so we can truly live out of spirit. Because there are two channels coming into our hearts, the condition of my heart is in direct proportion to which of these two is exerting the greater force in my life. If I am giving over to my soulish desires, letting my soul rule, then obviously that which is coming from God is going to be hindered and limited, because there is not enough room in my heart. However, if I turn it around and get my soul saved and submitted to my spirit, then my soul is now working with my spirit and I am now going to become whole inside. Fracturing of the soulLifes events can cause a fracturing of the soul. A person can be emotionally stagnated because of trauma in life, and they wont grow beyond that point. Until a person receives healing, their behavior cycles are continually repeated. When trauma happens, life starts getting filtered through our fractured soul full of memories and history rather than through our spirit made in Gods image. Our thoughts, perspectives, and behavior are off course, and we reproduce what we are. We all have a wounded past in some way. Psalm 23 says the Lord will restore our soul. That literally means taking something that has been scattered and fractured, and bringing all the pieces back and putting them back together again. Making us whole is something that only God can do. It is by His grace that restoration and transformation comes. Grace is Holy Spirit doing in and through and for us what we cannot do for ourselves. A Place of Wholeness God is ready to bring your soul to a place of wholeness. He wants us living in freedom out of the life of God in our spirit. (Photo via Global Fire Ministries International) How do we know if we are living out of our soul and not spirit? Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Gods Word is alive; it carries power. Unless I allow the Word to come alive inside me, it is just potential. Getting the Word in us, and meditating on it, will bring to light what is soul and what is spirit. Transformation begins with having the revelation come to you that you need transformation. The next step is separation for clarification; ask God to clarify what is going on inside of you. Why am I feeling this way? Why am I responding this way? Spend time in His Presence, in the Word, allowing Holy Spirit to touch those places where the soul needs to be healed and changed. Know that Gods plan is that we be whole, that we be transformed, so that we live an abundant life and that we leave His fragrance in the atmosphere around us. Living out of our spirits, the God flow in us, we will bring Heaven to earth in our own lives and to others. Prayer Focus • For yourself, ask Holy Spirit to show you where your soul has been wounded and fractured. Psalm 23 says He will restore and put your soul back together. • Ask Holy Spirit to convict and awaken the Church to the need of being transformed. • Pray that there will be a fresh hunger for the Word, which brings transformation of the soul. Blessings, Jeff Jansen Senior Leader Global Fire Church, Murfreesboro, TN Founder Global Fire Ministries International Global Connect / Kingdom Life Institute
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:36:04 +0000

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