How To Fund Your Start-Up Business Luke Landes Luke Landes, - TopicsExpress


How To Fund Your Start-Up Business Luke Landes Luke Landes, Contributor Forbes Job-seekers are still having problems finding opportunities with the right employers. Big corporations aren’t spending much on human capital like hiring and development; bosses are encouraging existing employees to be more productive with fewer resources. Without significant hiring throughout the economy, many individuals with more of an entrepreneurial mind or attitude are finding their own way without the help of major companies. Breaking free from the corporate shackles and starting a solo business isn’t the right path for everyone, despite the barrage of encouragement in media since the start of the latest run of high unemployment. Nevertheless, those who do have the particular traits that make owning a business exciting often need financial capital to get started. Some of the best businesses need very few start-up funds. My own story is a good example: Although I didn’t begin Consumerism Commentary as a business, a content-based website is an example of a potential income source that requires very little up-front capital. In this business, expenses center around technology, and this technology perpetually becomes less expensive. Not every business is this simple from a start-up perspective, though. Opening a store or another public-facing business like a restaurant can be a lucrative operation, but it requires an initial investment. Coming up with that investment isn’t easy, but here are a few resources that could help you get started. Your own money Start with your bank accounts and investments. If you believe in your ability to make a business succeed, you should be able to put your own wealth behind your beliefs. It’s risky to put your own financial well-being on the line, but how could you expect your family, friends, or a bank to have faith in your ability and invest in your goals if you’re unwilling to invest in yourself? While I don’t normally recommend living without an emergency fund or tapping retirement funds, banks won’t extend loans and savvy investors won’t help you unless they see the potential business owner shouldering most of the risk. The risk is the barrier that stops people who are wavering about their idea to start a business from making a mistake, but those willing to take the risk have the potential of financial reward. Ask friends and family Everyone has a story about an uncle who always approaches the family looking for investments in the get-rich-quick scheme of the month. Don’t be that guy. When you have a solid business idea that has the potential for success over the long-term, approach your relatives and friends. Show them that you’re putting your own money into the business, provide them your business plan — you do have a business plan, right? — and offer them the opportunity to lend you the money or offer them partial ownership for their investment stake. Only approach relatives and friends who you would believe wouldn’t be offended by your request, and do it quietly. Show them what you’ve invested in the business. Provide your solid business plan so they know you’re serious. Explain how you believe you’re particularly suited for the role of business owner. If they do decide to provide capital as a loan or investment, keep them involved as your business progresses. Never ask for more than you need or put your family and friends in a position where it would be difficult to say no. Turn to the banks, part 1: Business loans Community banks and credit unions focus on investing in the community. If your business could be a positive economic force for your town or city, there is a good chance a local bank would be willing to help you start by lending you money. Of course, you will need to present yourself professionally to the bank with a solid business plan, including your revenue expectations, market research, and any other pertinent information. The bank will scrutinize this more diligently than your relatives and friends, so if you’ve never done this type of presentation before, you would benefit from getting advice from someone who has been successful. A bank will want to see that you’re willing to put your own funds at risk and have looked at other potential funding sources before they offer you their own money. Turn to the banks, part 2: Credit cards If you have great credit, you can likely qualify for the best small-business credit cards. Credit cards are risky, and funding a business on credit could be damaging to your own financial well-being if the business fails, but again, you need to take on risk if you believe in your business. Because the early stages of the business might not generate much revenue, you’ll likely be spending more each month than your business will be able to pay off before the credit card bill is due. As a result, benefits like those provided by cash back credit cards are less important than a low interest rate. Using a credit card can be an expensive way to fund a business, but it can help you get started quickly. In fact, if using a credit card can help your business grow faster at the beginning, you may be able to use the initial success to go back to family, friends, and banks who wouldn’t invest or lend initially. With proof of success, they may be more willing to help, and you could replace the expensive credit card debt with less expensive funds from loans or direct investments. Credit card tip: look for the lowest APR you can find if you must use a credit card to help fund your start-up business, even if it’s not a “small-business” credit card. Private investors Not everyone lives in the Silicon Valley, but those who do live in a community where private investors — venture capital firms, angel investors, etc. — are active, particularly in technology. Venture capital firms gather money from individuals, often wealthy individuals, and use this large pool of money to invest in a variety of companies whose goal is often to go public. As a return for their investment, these firms will take a partial ownership in the company. The act of becoming a publicly traded company can provide a major pay-off for investors who provided capital early in the business’s life cycle, and venture capital firms depend on this. The ability to raise venture capital often relies on getting yourself in front of the right people. Networking skills play a large role in order to receive start-up capital from these sources, and it can be difficult for an outsider to make the right connections. Don’t be afraid to reach out, though. Find other successful business owners in your field or niche who started their businesses from nothing, and learn from them.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:00:01 +0000

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