How To GROW TOTAL CONFIDENCE by Bill Poett It was the summer - TopicsExpress


How To GROW TOTAL CONFIDENCE by Bill Poett It was the summer of 1969, and I was seven years old. I’ll never forget sitting on the living room floor in front of our black and white TV with my family. My dad, who worked in the aerospace industry, had been preparing us for this moment for years. The picture was scratchy and the voices cracked, but I knew that I was witnessing a miracle. We were watching footage from Tranquility Base on the moon, and Neil Armstrong was about to take the most important step in human history. From that moment on . . . the sky was no longer the limit for the human race. I was watching the end result of one of the greatest displays of confidence in the history of man. September 1962, the height of the Cold War, and Russia’s satellite Sputnik was in orbit, and President John F. Kennedy stood before the American people declaring that, “By the end of this decade, America would safely land a man on the moon and bring him back again.” The President’s confidence was contagious and, over the next 7 years, our country would harness its incredible potential and accomplish the impossible. Peak Performance Dictionary: CONFIDENCE 1. Acting on your potential. 2. Knowing you can achieve a goal completely outside your realm of experience. Confidence is the foundation of all achievement. Ask any skydiver: the hundredth jump doesn’t take confidence; the first one does! Confidence is much more than a belief. It is acting on your unharnessed potential and, in doing so, moving beyond the safety of things you know and, literally, reaching for the stars! Starting a new business, asking that beautiful girl on a date, making your first black diamond ski run, leaving your job to raise your children--these are all acts of great confidence. How to Grow Confidence Every quality or skill we discuss in True North Academy can be developed using the same techniques we use to develop muscle mass and strength in the gym. Muscle mass is achieved by exposing different muscle groups to negative stimulation (weight training). The goal of weight training is to create small tears in muscle tissue, which after an essential and to often ignored period of rest and proper nutrition, incites the body’s adaptive response to rebuild the damaged tissue into better, stronger and more functional muscle than before the exercise. Our intellect, character and confidence are all developed using the same cycle of negative stimulation and adaptive response. The reasons more people don’t have healthy, beautiful, highly functional, bodies, minds and spirits is simple: PAIN! No one is born to run a four minute mile, get into M.I.T. at sixteen, or do a flip on a balance.....GET YOUR FREE TOTAL CONFIDENCE CHEAT SHEET NOW! tinyurl/ltjhzvl
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:28:31 +0000

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