How To Identify Your Gifts And Calling From God. “For The - TopicsExpress


How To Identify Your Gifts And Calling From God. “For The GIFTS And CALLING Of God [Are] Without Repentance” (Romans 11:29 KJV) For Gods gifts and His call can never be withdrawn (Romans 11:29 NLT) Your Gifts Are Plural But Your Calling Is Singular To Be Able To Identify Your Calling From God, You Must First Of All Know That There Are Gifts And There Are Callings. Your Gifts Are The Gifts Of The Spirit Like Healing, Prophecy And So On (Spiritual Endowments 1Cor.12) That Are Operative In Your Life; They Are Usually More Than One. On The Other Hand, Identifying Your Calling Is So Simple; It’s What You Are Called To Do, It Is Essentially Singular, It Is Your Assignment. It Is What To Do With Your Gifts. How Do You Know? Your Strongest Passion Will Usually Move In The Direction Of Your Destiny. If You Have A Call To Minister To Children For Example, You Will Always See Their Needs And Want To Meet Them. God Will Frequently Expose Your Eyes To See The Needs You’re Called To Meet. The Holy Spirit Will Impress It Upon Your Mind To Do It And You Will Not Have Peace Until You Do It. Your Calling Therefore Is That Need, That Assignment, That Passion That Is Holding You So Strongly And Never Letting You Go. It Is The Most Compelling And Prevalent Of All Your Desires! Following The Inward Witness There Is Such Thing As The Inward Witness Of The Holy Spirit. That Is; The Spirit Witnessing To You On The Inside To Do Something (Rom. 8: 16; 9:1). Also, It Is Possible That You Can Desire To Do So Many Things That Are Not In Line With Each Other, Those Are Just Desires But Your Passion For What You’re Called To Do Is The Divine Counsel Of God And It Is Absolute, Therefore It Will Overpower All The Rests. “[There Are] Many Devices In A Man’s Heart; Nevertheless The Counsel Of The LORD- That Shall Stand” (Pro.19:21). Your Prevailing Desire Reveals Your Calling You May Love So Many Things, But Your Calling Is Your Prevailing Desire. It’s Your Spiritual Prevailing Desire That Lines Up With God’s Word And The Witness Of The Spirit. The Holy Spirit Will Always Deal With You In The Line Of Your Destiny, Your Assignment And Your Calling. You Must Also Know That Your Calling Is Unique, That Is; Nobody Else Can Do It As You Would Because Everybody Is Unique In This World. Your Fruits Reveal Your Calling Another Way To Tell What Your Calling Is Is The Fruit Or Result That Follows You. The Lord Jesus Says That A Tree Is Known By Its Fruits. “Ye Shall Know Them By Their Fruits. Do Men Gather Grapes Of Thorns, Or Figs Of Thistles? Even So Every Good Tree Bringeth Forth Good Fruit; But A Corrupt Tree Bringeth Forth Evil Fruit. A Good Tree Cannot Bring Forth Evil Fruit, Neither [Can] A Corrupt Tree Bring Forth Good Fruit. Every Tree That Bringeth Not Forth Good Fruit Is Hewn Down, And Cast Into The Fire. Wherefore By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them” (Math.7:16-20). Your Life Will Produce Fruit According To Your Ministry! Some Gifts And Calling Revealing Questions Ask Yourself And Try To Answer These Questions; 1. What Fruits Follow You? 2. What Do You Do Well? 3. What is it that People Get Blessed When You Do? 4. What Do You Feel Fulfilled When You Do? Therefore, That Thing That You Do Well, That You Feel Very Fulfilled When You Do, That Edifies People When You Do, And Produces Godly Fruit, The-Same Is Your Calling. Moreover, Your Calling Is Between Your Abilities, It Is Ever Pressing And It Won’t Let You Go. Some Characteristics Of Your Calling • It’s Biblical • It’s Fulfilling • It Brings You Peace • It’s Productive • You Can Do It • It Won’t Let You Go • It Fills Your Mind • It Moves Your Passion • The Holy Spirit Moves You To Do It Your Calling Is Within Your Ability Notice That You Won’t Have To Strain Yourself To Do Your Calling Because It’s Within Your Ability. When You Step Into Another Person’s Calling You Will Struggle Fruitlessly. A Good Example Is The King Saul, He Was Only A King, Not A Prophet Or Priest But His Fall Came When He FORCED Himself To Perform A Sacrifice (Out Of Fear) Which Was Only Within The Power And Office Of Samuel Who Was Both A Prophet And Priest To Do (See 1Sam. 13:8-14). Stay Within Your Calling And Be Faithful To It. Your Anointing, Ability And Productivity Only Lies Within The Sphere Of Your Calling. Some Biblical Personalities And Their Callings • Paul’s Calling Was To Preach To The Gentiles (Rom.11:13). It Was So Strong That He Said To Himself “Woe Unto Me If I Do Not Preach The Gospel”. Your Calling Isn’t Optional, It’s A Pressing Necessity (1Cor.9:16). • Peter’s Calling Was To Build The Church By Preaching Mostly To The Jews (Gal.2:7-8). He Ran Back To Fishing (His Former Trade) But The Lord Wouldn’t Let Go Of Him. Your Calling Won’t Let You Go And Until You Obey It. The Holy Spirit Will Always Point Your Heart In That Direction (John 21:1-19). Specification Every Calling Has Specifications Like Paul Was To The Jews And Peter To The Gentiles. Even If You Mistake, God Will Still Restore You To Your Calling. An Example Of Full Restoration Is Seen When Peter Denied Jesus Three Times And Three Times The Lord Gave Him An Opportunity To Say ‘I LOVE YOU’ To Him Again (Math. 26:69-75; John 21:15-17). God Does Not Call People Because They Are Perfect, Instead He Perfects People Because They Are Called “Moreover Whom He Predestined, These He Also Called; Whom He Called, These He Also Justified; And Whom He Justified, These He Also Glorified” (Rom.8:30). Your Ministry Isn’t Something To Be Waited For But A Destination To Be Achieved. Step Out In Faith!!! Happy Sunday Apostleslouis
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:33:55 +0000

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