How To Know Youre Saved The Holy Spirit Beareth Witness You - TopicsExpress


How To Know Youre Saved The Holy Spirit Beareth Witness You can know for certain that you are saved!!! I say this confidently because God knows whether or not you are His Child. Any uncertainties which you may have concerning your salvation does not change God’s certainty of your salvation. If you are God’s Child, then He has promised to tell you that you are saved... “The Spirit itself BEARETH WITNESS with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). When you became a believer, the Godhead moved into your heart—I.e., God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit came into your soul to live forever. The Godhead lives within our body in the Person of God, the Holy Spirit. It is God’s very Spirit that testifies to our own spirit that we are a Child of God. What a wonderful blessing!!! How does God’s Holy Spirit bear witness to our spirit that we are saved? Listen to the precious Words of Jesus... “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another COMFORTER, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you” (John 14:16,17). Wow!!! What a wonderful truth to know that God (the Comforter) lives in my heart. This is how I know I’m saved—He lives within my soul. He talks with me and walks with me all along life’s way. The Holy Spirit is “God with me.” He’s that little voice that continually convicts me, comforts me and brings truths to my mind to remind me of how to live for God. The Holy Spirit speaks to me about God’s will. I remember when I first became a Believer as a young man. There were some obvious changes in my life which occurred, but I did not recognize them until years later. One big change was a sincere desire to read and learn the Bible after I became a Christian. Another big change was a conviction over the sins in my life and the fact that God wanted me to live right. I had never felt that before until I became saved. I remember for the first time in my life experiencing that little small voice of the Holy Spirit saying, “GOD doesn’t want you to do this anymore” or “GOD wants you to start doing this.” Something was very different in my life after I became saved. I even recall hearing my mother say to me, “You’ve really changed lately and I’m proud of you.” Again, God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit came to live within my heart in the person of God the Holy Spirit the day I accepted Jesus as Savior. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit, just as I am a spirit. He is God in every way. KNOW THE TRUTH *** Also, When I became a believer many years ago, God’s Spirit merged in holy matrimony with my spirit—a marriage. This is why the Church is referred to as the “Bride of Christ” in the Book of Revelation. Jesus is the Bridegroom of the Church. There is a spiritual union between God’s Spirit and the spirit of each and every one of His Children. If you do not have the Holy Spirit living within your soul—you are NOT God’s Child!!! Only a Child of God has the Holy Spirit living inside—It is His very presence that makes you God’s Child. If you are God’s Child, it is simply because God literally lives in you. This is called the “new birth” or being “born-again” ... “Ye must be BORN AGAIN” (John 3:7). It is the Holy Spirit’s uniting with our spirit that conceives the new birth within us. It is the Word of God which is the Seed that brings salvation. KNOW THE TRUTH ***
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 23:23:19 +0000

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