How To Live In A State Of Love Rather Than Fear Knowledge - TopicsExpress


How To Live In A State Of Love Rather Than Fear Knowledge World Truth by Jesse Herman of PowerfulPrimates Spirit Science and Metaphysics Our lives are perceived to have a beginning, middle and end. The beginning is awkward, as we squirt out of our mom’s vagina. The middle is adventurous and exciting, as we venture out into uncharted territories that lead to growth. The end, like a drunken Jim Morris serenade, is terrifying. The anticipation of that end is also scary, which fills the ‘middle’ with micro-bits of ‘aw shit I’ll be dead one day’ type of thinking. This is a pattern, though, that can be avoided. Avoiding it can not only allow one to embrace death with grace but it will also prevent the ultimate cop-out: trading love for security. Please, Explain More The human desire to live safely and forever, in a corporate sense, locks people into ten hour work days and a health insurance plan. It is important to realize that there is nothing wrong with working in this manner. It is also important to note that it will not guarantee longevity of life or an increase in happiness. This is the lie that citizens continually buy into, that in able to attain the resources needed to be happy one has to devote the majority of their healthy days to a machine-like system. A service with a smile. An assembly line with a time clock. A cubicle with a 30-minute lunch break. Again, there is nothing wrong with working in these types of fields but do so out of love, not fear. Jim Carrey Discusses How His Father Chose Fear Over Love – And How The Decision Failed Him… The Transition – Should I Not Work? To job or not to job? Life is all about expanding and growing. In order to do this, one must go outside their comfort zone. One of the best ways to do this is to get a job. It places people in situations where they are talking to, eating with and working with people that they would never spend time with in their private lives. If working in an environment that screams “fear” instead of “love” remember this: your destiny is not with this job. Your finish line is so far past this 10 foot stretch on the track that when you are seeing that light at end of the imaginary tunnel, the 10 feet of transitionary track will be remembered with a smile. Transitionary periods are some of the most exhilarating in life. The failures in life, as frustrating as they may be, are critical to success. While working at a job you may dread, keep the eyes open, the goals within reach and the vibrations positive. As boring as it may be, there are opportunities begging to be seized. So yes, work. Go to the job. Collect the paycheck. Keep falling forward. Don’t. Ever. Stop. If you quit the job, keep working. Don’t stop writing a plan-of-attack every morning. A plan for fun. A plan for laziness. A plan for helping others. In the world there are people who can and people who can’t. Don’t be ‘that guy’ (or girl) who can’t. Death By External Influences The media, advertisements, various societal pressures and many peers will not tell you how to live a love-filled life. Listen to the inner-voice. Trust the gut. You will come across several younger, less experienced, less skilled people who have probably made more money without working as hard and are even self-employed. First of all, pay attention to what they are doing. Ask questions. Take notes. Beyond that, though, I’ve noticed many of these people talk about “not working for anybody” out of a place of ego. They are actually blocking themselves from working for others out of a place of fear. These days it is easier than ever to work for ones self at home but it comes with risk. It is often thought that working for someone else is the fear-driven approach but this is not always true. Don’t compare yourself to somebody else’s supposed success. Don’t feel bad because some are working from home and you are not. Every situation has its ups and downs. If somebody acts like they have figured it out, just know that they are lying to you or themselves out of a place of fear, which means they also have a great deal of work to do. The truth is, we are all doing things for money we’d probably rather not do. Our ‘passions’ are often fueled by paper, which is to say they are the next best thing to doing what we we’d actually want to be doing. I love to write. I like to write for spiritscienceandmetaphysics. But truthfully, I’d rather be doing something else, like frolicking naked on the beach building sand castles and climbing trees. If someone is bragging about their business success, just know they are bragging about accomplishing something at a high level that they’d rather not be doing. This is a funny thing to consider but it’s true! There are billions of people on earth. You are one of them. You will live. You will die. You will love. You will love. You will love. And you will conquer your dreams. Life is long, enjoy the journey and don’t sweat the expectations. Peace. Love. Happiness. And Continued Success. About The Author: Jesse Herman is the founder of PowerfulPrimates. He loves to write, play, produce video and art of any kind. He is inspired by family, friends and infinite possibilites.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 16:31:36 +0000

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