How To Meditate Meditation should be done on a daily basis. It - TopicsExpress


How To Meditate Meditation should be done on a daily basis. It does not have to take very long; five minutes can be enough. There are no hard and fast rules for the length of meditation, however it makes sense to ease into it gently. The same goes for where or how you choose to meditate. Some prefer natural places, lulled by birdsong or running water and the sounds of the forests. Others do it at home, your altar may be the ideal place to meditate, or on the train or bus going to or from work. (Please not while driving though; you need to be fully aware.) Some prefer to do it whilst walking the dog or a long solitary walk at sunset. Whether you choose to sit cross-legged, in a chair, lying on your back with your knees bent or in the lotus position if you are skilled in yoga, is up to you and you should choose whichever is most comfortable. You may want to try a meditation pillow used by many Buddhists, if you are sitting cross-legged. As with all meditation you should keep a notebook and pen handy to write down any ideas, thoughts, symbols or imagery. Meditation Techniques. There are two basic kinds of meditation, the first is active. This means that you take a symbol, picture or phrase and mull it over in your mind to the exclusion of all other thoughts. Look at its basic concept, how it is phrased, how many ways it can be interpreted, what it means to you in terms of mental images or abstract meaning. The aim is to extract everything you can from the subject and then to record the essence of your thoughts. The second kind, is passive, here images and thoughts are allowed to rise in the mind as they will, formulating around a set mantra, symbol or idea. Meditation Exercises. Close your eyes and become aware of your breathing. It is not necessary to breath in or out more deeply than usual. Just become aware of the workings of your body -- a gift from the Goddess. Move your awareness through each part of your body, beginning with your feet and working your way up to your head. If you feel any tension in a particular area, you can envision it melting away, or you can just accept that it is there. Once you have checked in with each part of your body, return your awareness to your breathing. If any thoughts come into your head, let them come and go, like soap bubbles floating through the air. If you find yourself absorbed in a particular though, just release the thought, return your awareness to your breath, and rejoice in your return to the present moment. Breathe deeply for several minutes. Relax. Forget. Visualise the tensions and worries of everyday life exiting your body with your breath. Relax. Open your consciousness; allow your conscious mind to be receptive and alert. Commune and talk with the deities. Toss around symbols in your head. If you wish, chant one of the names of the Goddess or God, or a group of them. This is an excellent tool for slipping into the twilight world. Light should be subdued, burn white or blue candles if you wish. Also incense. Meditation Subjects These are a sample of the meditation subjects. You may wish to find your own. Try to use each one for two or three days each. Magic is the Art of Causation. Magic speaks to the subconscious mind of man through symbols and rituals. Change is growth. There is no part of me that is not of the Gods. All things are possible to a trained mind
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 05:35:06 +0000

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