How To Push Beyond Your Limits Far too often we hit plateaus in - TopicsExpress


How To Push Beyond Your Limits Far too often we hit plateaus in our life thinking that we can no longer excel or grow any further. That is far from it! Hitting a plateau simply means you have to try something new and different. It’s important to learn how to push beyond your limits because without realizing your true potential, you will never feel successful before you ever attain success. And I always stress the importance of feeling like you’re successful even if you have yet to truly taste it. In no particular order, here are some of the ways you can try to push beyond your limitations and to reach new heights. 5 Ways On How To Push Beyond Your Limits 1 | Change the time or environment Routine for the most part may be a good thing but sometimes it can backfire on you. In order to grow or excel, you must vary when you do something as well as where you do it. For example, rather than running at 8PM at the park, start a new routine running at 7AM up a hill or slope. Change your setting and you’ll see leaps of improvement. 2 | Add a level of difficulty Sometimes you may have gotten so used it to that it is no longer deemed a challenge but now a simple task or chore. If you are training to run a 20 minute race, do not simply run to run those 20 minutes. Instead, increase your average running speed or add weights to your body to increase the difficulty. It’s wiser to make the training harder than the actual race. 3 | Learn from others, do it the right way The reason you have hit a plateau may be due to the limited resources, experiences, and knowledge that you currently possess. You may think you are doing everything right but in reality, you could have missed a major key point that was vital to your development. You could be the bodybuilder who excels in the gym but when it comes to eating properly, you may lack the nutrients needed to help you grow any further. 4 | Find a rival and compete You need someone above you to help you understand and realize that there is still a long way to go for you. There is always something more you can do to strengthen your weaknesses as well as your strengths. A rival will keep you motivated and determined. A rival allows you to understand that limitations are simply another word for obstacles that can be overcome. 5 | Take a step back Contrary to popular beliefs, sometimes the best way to grow is to stop what you are doing and give it a break. Have you ever had those moments in life where you didn’t do something for a long time, but when you finally did, you were better at it than you were before? Giving yourself a good night’s sleep is a good way to help you reinforce what you have learned and already know. For example, it’s better to get a good night’s rest the night of the exam than it is to pull an all-nighter simply to get a few extra hours of study in. So there it is, the 5 ways on how to push beyond your limits. There are many more things you can do to push your limits but we believe that by sticking to these 5 ways, you can most definitely overcome any boundaries and borders!
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 20:52:28 +0000

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