How To Resolve Conflict In The Church - The first thing you must - TopicsExpress


How To Resolve Conflict In The Church - The first thing you must do is identify where do problems stem from. #1. Satan because he is our adversary he loves to create situations that produces disunity hatred and division. The word lets us know God is not the author of confusion. Satan has 3 motives according to scripture he seeks to kill , steal and destroy but Jesus came that we might have life in abundance. So is the source of the issue bringing life or death? #2. Self a lot of times we create issues with others that stem from conflict within ourselves. If we have a devalued perspective of ourselves its not hard to become very defensive when it comes to how we feel others may view us. Are you the proud peacock that has a overly valued outlook of yourself that minimizes the value of others? Are you selfish do you embrace only the people that benefit you and your agenda? Are you carrying a victim mentality or a victorious mentality? Do you create conflict by your lack of better conversation as it relates to others in your church or fellowship? #3 Surrounding - Yes the church has certain cliques. People who come together with a common cause to either build and encourage or discourage and destroy. Which category do you fit in? Secondly you must pray and ask God to show you if you are a part of the problem if not teach you how to be a part of the solution. Approach the problem in the right spirit. The Bible says if their is a problem that you should go to the person who you feel that theres a problem with. Never go assuming always go looking for answers or explanations. Always check your spirit never approach a negative situation with a negative spirit. Never be to proud to admit when your wrong. The road of healing doesnt keep rehearsing the offense once its discovered you move forward. It takes courage to correct issues because you will never conquer what you are afraid to confront. If the meeting doesnt bring the results you desire invite a third party and if needed you can involve church leadership. Never allow being offended to be the hinderance that keeps you from seeking a positive solution behind every problem lies a suitable solution through the spirit of God restoration is always possible when we get outside of ourselves.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 17:30:59 +0000

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