How To Stop Delays, Find A Spouse And Keep The One You Found GOD - TopicsExpress


How To Stop Delays, Find A Spouse And Keep The One You Found GOD put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slepthe removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. GOD then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man. The Man said,"Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! Name her Woman for she was made from Man." Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. They become one flesh. (Gen 2:21-24 MSG) Dear Pastor, age is no longer on my side. I don’t know what to do again. I can’t find a wife. Nobody is looking my way. All my friendsare already married. And the list goes on…Why am I not married yet? Did I do something wrong? Is it that I don’t dress well or that I over-dress? Is it that I am not beautiful enough or I don’t look handsome enough? Is it because I am not a rich man? Is it because as a lady I already have my car and my house? The issue we are looking at today is a prevalent one, and it is everywhere as well. I have been called on phone by people from virtually every continent on earth as regards what we are looking at today, so it is quite ubiquitous. Let’s talk to the guys first. Why is it that I am not married at this age? Somebody is probably wondering where his wife is. Well, there are a few principles we can glean from here. From the above scriptures, we see that God intends to play a role when it comes to your relationships. Quite alright, God will not choose for you, but God will present to you and it will be your turn to make up your mind.However, before God presents, he will send you to sleep. This however, does not mean sleeping physically. Now, what this means is that you need to cease in your own earthly wisdom and so called relationship skills and allow him to lead you. Oh Yes! There is such thing as being led of God to make right decisions. There is wisdom from above that God can give you and He will lead you into choosing the right person. God wants to lead you but if you ignore Him and rely on your own wisdom andways of doing things, God will just look on. If you refuse to “sleep,” the consequences willbe broken relationships and jilting experiences. To sleep means to relax, and not be unnecessarily desperate. For example, upon joining a new church as a guy, the first thing to do is not to start ‘sampling’ ladies; the first thing to do is to sleep. Cast your burdens upon Him. Find a unit within the church and serve. And while you are serving God sincerely, He will surprise you. That is how to sleep. When you are sleep, you are almost unconscious. You abandon yourself into God’s hands to keep you till next day. It’s not like you wake up every one hour to check if you are still alive, you just sleep off. That is exactly what you do in finding a spouse. Just trust God as your shepherd and stop worrying unnecessarily. That is the exact way you hand over your relationship into God’s hands and allow Him to lead you. And when, you do that, trust God to do His own part. Trust God to do His own part in leading you. Find out God’s direction about a friendship with a lady before you allow it to deepen into an emotional relationship. Once emotions are involved, you can hardly go to sleep at that stage. Your adrenalin will not allow you to go to sleep at that stage. Ladies, don’t be in a rush. Allow God to present you. Don’t be suggestive for that might mess up the process, Adam named his wife. Allow a man to walk up to you and ask for your hand in marriage, not the other way round! Don’t cheapen yourself by wooing a man or pursuing a man. You will chase him away because you are tampering with the ‘hunter’ in him. Men are aggressors. Ladies are responders. Oh yes, because ladies are intuitive, you often know who your husband is before he gets to know you are his wife, but keep on praying, allow him to take the lead and you will have a great time. Good morning Gents and Damsels
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:56:54 +0000

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