How To Think Positively Positive thinking is a mental attitude - TopicsExpress


How To Think Positively Positive thinking is a mental attitude that expects good and favourable outcomes from life. A mind that is in a positive state allows you to anticipate happiness, health and a successful outcome from every situation and action. But in order to think positively, you first have to change your emotional and mental approach towards yourself, other people and situations. · Choose to be positive No matter what your life is like, the choice to be more positive is 100% up to you. You have to make a conscious choice to conquer the negativity that is around you. Do not allow people and situations to dictate how you react towards life events but take control over your own attitude. · Create positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are positive statements which you repeatedly tell yourself. They can help develop a positive mindset, thereby improving your emotional and mental well-being and self-esteem. · Associate with positive people Negativity is contagious. So is positivity. Avoid being around those who sap your energy and motivation with their relentless negativity. Surrounding yourself with positive people who will support you and encourage you. · Get out of your comfort zone Trying new things and new experiences can do wonders to enhance your positive outlook on life. Something as simple as learning to play the guitar can lead to new sensations and the satisfaction that comes with acquiring a new skill. · Set concrete goals Set concrete, tangible goals for yourself no matter how impossible it may seem at the moment. Keep yourself focused on working towards these goals. The achievement of each goal, no matter how seemingly small, will gain you confidence and increase your self-esteem. · Inspire yourself through reading Immerse yourself in biographies about people who fought fear with courage and succeeded in life. Be inspired by them and gain new knowledge and understanding, helping you clear whatever is blocking your thinking and creating more ideas. How To Achieve Your Goals And Overcome Your Fears Many of us are our own worst enemies, constantly stopping ourselves from achieving our goals with negative self-talk. This type of negative thoughts serves only to limit our potential and prevent us from achieving the success that we are capable of. We are what we think we are. By thinking positively about all things, we admit into our minds thoughts, words and images that are conducive to growth and success. By expecting happiness, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action, it will be more likely to manifest in reality. Stop limiting your own potential, and try out these tips to develop the power of positive thinking in yourself. 1. Decide to be positive Take that vital first step in deciding to be a more positive person. Make a conscious choice to conquer the negativity around you and in you. No matter how dismal your life seems at the moment, choice to be more positive is 100% up to you. 2. Make a habit of positive self-talk Be your own personal cheerleader. Encourage yourself with daily positive affirmations. They can help develop a positive mindset, improving your emotional well-being and self-esteem, thereby putting you in a better position to achieve your goals. 3. Avoid negative people] Surround yourself with caring, positive individuals who will support you and encourage you to disregard all that negative self-talk. Negativity is contagious. Avoid being around those who sap your energy and motivation with their relentless negativity. 4. Try new things. Nothing cures fear better than forcing yourself out of your comfort zone.Trying new things and new experiences can do wonders to enhance your positive outlook on life. The sense of achievement that comes from learning a new skill like playing the guitar will elevate mood and self-esteem. Reprogram your brain to replace all negative thoughts with positive ones by practicing these simple steps to start with. If you do not do this, you will never achieve the success you deserve. How Positive Thinking Manifest Change We’ve all heard amazing stories of rags to riches stories, people who’ve turned their lives around and went from zero to hero. Yet, even as we marvel at their success, we never think that we are capable of such ourselves. It is such negative thinking that keeps us at our low-paying jobs, stuck in our crappy little apartments and in our mediocre lives. But we can change our lives, simply by harnessing the power of our minds, specifically the power of positive thinking. Like all things in life, learning to turn negative thoughts into positive ones will take time, but the process itself is really quite simple. · Stay fit and healthy. A healthy mind needs a healthy body to reside in. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one the fundamental ways to stay positive without any psychological involvement. Regular exercise is scientifically proven to elevate mood and reduce stress. A healthy diet is also essential – make sure you fuel your body with the right foods. · Use positive affirmations. Many of us are our own worst enemies, constantly pulling ourselves down with negative self-talk. Encourage yourself with daily positive affirmations and drown out the voice of negativity. · Choose your company well. Negativity, like positivity is contagious. Surround yourself with positive people who support you and avoid those who sap your energy and motivation with their relentless negativity. · Smile! The simple act of smiling is physically proven to help you stay positive and make you more happy Allow yourself to be open to humour, share a laugh with a neighbour or smile at the cashier when she rings up your purchases. You’ll be surprised at how good it’ll make you feel. Practice these simple steps everyday and eventually you will find yourself breaking away from the chains of negativity. Start changing your life today! Think Yourself to Success Your mind is one of the most powerful tools that you must harness if you want to achieve great success in your life. I’m not talking about intellect but rather the power of positively. Look around you and you will notice that every successful person thinks positively, making this the number one success strategy. So if you are a person who always thinks negatively, there are some steps you can follow to help yourself develop as a positive thinker. 1. Always focus on the positive Start using positive words in your conversations, or even when you are talking to yourself in your mind. When someone asks you how you’re feeling today, respond with a cheery “I’m great. How are you?” even if you having a terrible day. Answering in the negative will only make yourself feel worse. You will feel better when you use positive words, hence the phrase “Fake it till you make it.” 2. Pay someone a compliment Be generous with your compliments. Encourage and support others, whether it be your work colleagues, friends or family. When you make these human connections, you cultivate a positive surrounding. Successful people can always stay motivated because they make use of their environment by changing other people’s state of mind. 3. Visualise a positive future No matter how unpromising your current life situation is, do not waste time complaining about it. Instead, visualise the future that you want for yourself. See yourself with a better-paying job, a nicer apartment with no plumbing problems, a life less ordinary. What is happening to you now doesn’t have to be a predictor of how your future will be like. Positive thinking will help you achieve your goal of a better future. Each of us has unlimited potential. The key to unlocking this potential is by gearing our minds towards thinking positively instead of negatively. Positive thinking is one of the ultimate success strategies that will get you what you want, so start working on it from today. Tips for Positive Living Positive thinking, self-growth, thinking yourself to success – so much has been said about these subjects, but is it really achievable? The truth is that the power of our minds to influence our actions cannot be underestimated. Not everybody believes or accepts the power of positive thinking. But there is undeniable truth that negative thoughts, words and attitudes bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. Negativity breeds more negativity, a vicious, never-ending cycle that can only lead to failure, frustration and disappointment. Conversely, positive thinking will do the exact opposite; positive thoughts can only beget positive actions, leading to a happier, healthier, more successful life. So how do we move beyond positive thinking towards positive living? The first step is always to decide that you can be a more positive person. Many people cannot even move beyond this first step, coming up with all sorts of excuses (“I’m stuck in a lousy job”, “I’m never going to have a successful long-term relationship”, etc.) as to why they cannot be more positive. But, know this, no matter what your life is like, choosing to be more positive is entirely your choice to make. Next, you need to commit 100% to the idea of positive thinking and positive living at all times. Now this is harder than simply choosing to be positive. This commitment requires you to remain positive even when things seem to be going wrong in every possible way. But the truth is that the most successful people are those who are able to commit and persevere and ultimately move beyond mere thinking towards the life they have always wanted. Positive thinking requires commitment, persistence and hard work. But once you’ve trained your mind to habitually remove all negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones, you will find yourself in a better position to achieve the success, happiness and wealth you’ve always dreamt of. 20 Ways Of Training The Mind On Positive Thinking 1. Start the day with cheers and smiles. Your whole day depends on how you greet the morning. Therefore, as long as you welcome it with energy and high spirits, everything will go okay. You don’t want the rest of the day to get ruined, do you? Come on, smile! It doesn’t cost anything but is worth everything. 2. Ask for guidance. Only God knows what we will be having on the day ahead of us. He will surely appreciate a few minutes of praying and asking for guidance from Him. Also, have faith on Him that He is more than willing to grant our requests as long as it is for our own good. With God as our guide, we don’t have any reason not to say and believe in the thought that I can do this. I can make it through this day. Nothing is impossible. After all, God is with me. 3. Plan the day ahead. To avoid mistakes that will cause negative output on your daily activities that will later on become negative thoughts, it is better to plan your work first; after which, work your plan. Make sure todays goals are clearly defined and absorbed by your mind. This can be done even before you get out of bed each day, just so immediate addressing issues as they arise can be avoided. 4. Keep your mind focused on important things. Set goals and priorities for what you think and do. Visualize practicing your actions. Develop a strategy for dealing with problems. Concentrate on things that need to be taken seriously, but at the same time, take time to relax and enjoy. This way, favorable results may take place. 5. Be detached from the outcome. They say that life is like a Ferris Wheel; sometimes, you’re on the top, and sometimes at the bottom. This means that there will be times in our lives where some things would not turn out according to what we want them to be. Dont be annoyed if you dont get what you desire. However, do your best in everything you do. Only, don’t get too attached on the probable results that may only cause disappointments and upsets. 6. Try new things and challenges. See learning and changes as opportunities. There’s nothing wrong in changing attitudes and routines as long as they are for the good and improvement of who you are and what you do. Doing new things may include considering more options for a project, meeting new people from different places, asking lots of questions. Through this, the flow of thinking is directed to improvement and negative thoughts will be easily eradicated. 7. Balance your desires. We live in a place of opposites and duality – gain and loss, pleasure and pain, light and dark, male and female, love and hate. This is how the cycle of life goes. We can never have all the good things in life at the same time. In love, there will always be someone who gets hurt. In wealth, there will always be people who will not be fortunate enough. Measure and moderation is the primary key. 8. Be realistic. Make sure that what you want is something possible. Hoping for something to happen which would never really materialize in real life will only bring you disappointment. For instance, you wish to lose weight. Therefore, you have to set a goal and act on appropriate measures within a period of time to achieve what you wish. Hey, No one can get slimmer overnight. 9. Keep track of your mental and physical health. This way, you will know how far you can keep believing. Know yourself. There is no other person in the world who can tell who you really are. Know your passions, favorites, and principles. Spend some quality time by yourself – reading, listening to music, day dreaming, and the likes. If you know yourself completely, you will be aware of how far can you go physically, mentally, and emotionally. 10. Love yourself. Before you expect for other people to love and adore you, it is always you who needs to love yourself first. Make a positive commitment to yourself, to learning, work, family, friends, nature, and other worthwhile causes. Praise yourself as much as you praise others once in a while. When you start feeling confident about yourself, positive thoughts will naturally flow to your mind. 11. Laugh. Enjoy. Have fun. Looking at the brighter side of life starts with entertainment and pleasure. Laughter is the best medicine, so they say. Whether your illness is physical or emotional, a few laughs and giggles can help you throw away heavy baggage such as anxiety, disappointment, or nervousness. 12. Keep a list of your goals and actions. Familiarize yourself with things you want to accomplish and with the ways you must undertake to complete them. By the time you are certain of what you want to do and carry out in your life, a stronger mind and will power will exist within you. 13. Associate with positive people. In every classroom, work place, or simply anywhere you go where there are groups of people, look for optimistic ones. There are lots of them, I’m sure. Associate with them, hang-out, discuss matters. They can help you build self-confidence and self-esteem. 14. Make it a habit to ask questions. This is not equal to dumbness and ignorance; rather, it is associated with seeking more information and understanding matters clearly. With more knowledge, there is also more power. 15. Be open. We have to accept the fact that we don’t know everything. And that we are continuously learning in every place we go, with every people we meet as everyday passes. We should not close our minds to new ideas and information that comes our way. Our mind is so spacious that it is impossible to fill it up completely. Thus, we should accept worthy things that may help us become better and brighter persons. 16. Have trust in other people. Although it may seem difficult and risky to give trust to just any people, when you believe in them or confident on what they are doing for you, doubts and negative judgments on them will be unnecessary. Also, it will bring harmonious relationships between you and your colleagues. 17. Forgive and forget. Mistakes and failures are the root causes of negative thinking. If we somehow learn to let go of all the pain, agony, and fear we try to keep inside our hearts and minds, then there will be nothing more to block our clear thoughts from being expressed. Forgive yourself for committing mistakes and forget these mistakes. 18. Learn from experiences. Learning inside the classroom is different from learning outside it. In school, one learns the lesson first before taking an exam; while in real life, one takes the test first before learning the lesson. This test in the real life is our experiences. If we failed in that test, i.e. the experience is not so good, we study the situation and learn the lesson. From here, we can avoid committing the same mistake twice. 19. Count your blessings. Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have. Absence of our desires will only bring discontentment and disappointment that will only waste our time. Instead, be thankful and appreciative with all the blessings we receive. 20. Kiss your worries goodbye. At the end of everyday, before going to sleep, there is no need to keep bad experiences and unhappy moments that had happened in the day within you. Let them go, throw them out of the window and kiss them goodbye. Dream sweetly. As a new day unfolds, new hope arises. Keep believing. Always have faith. The Power of Positive Thinking Welcome to the bridge of Manifest life. Don t let any situation take the control. You are the second master of the game, under the universe master law, what you think is what you get. Can that be possible? Yes it can be, you got to be in a manifesting state, your mind, your body is one, not two. The flow of energy that is rotating in the universe can break you if you are not going in the right direction. You must follow the law of the universe, and be happy. Do not worry about what is happening, but accept it and act toward a positive trend if it can be done, but never stay without acting when the bad situation, the non lucky time frame is falling on you, this is definitivly a law of the universe, and it will happen again and again, you got to do something, but the thing that will put you on the right track... You must understand that; be careful, the universe can t be redirected, rather you should follow the same direction, and profit from the tremendous flow of vital energy coming from the six directions. Good force are there, but you must know how to avoid the bad forces. Although the positive forces are stronger, it is easy to fall in the wrong wave, and quite difficult to focus and stay on the right way. So how can you be positive all the time, you think: nobody can do that. No, a lot of people do it, what is the difference between them? Two kind of people: The sleeping, and the awake. It is not the real sleep here, you should understand what the sleeper is: in fact, he is awake like everybody, so why is he a sleeper? Just look around you, and try to find out: is that man awake or he is a sleeper? Do that exercise, and you will be astonished with the results, you will be able to feel people, to feel the energy, like you feel the wind touch on your skin... He is a sleeper because he can t control, he doesn t see... Everyday, he wakes up like every people in this world(law of the universe, nobody can change it), however, he is not satisfied with his life, it is just a matter of doing things because they got to be done, because everybody is doing that... The sleeper act, eat, do everything without vitality, without energy, without love, without passion, he is a sleeper, his life is empty. Worst he doesn t know what is life... We will complete the sleeping case, and start with the awake, the enlighten case...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:02:33 +0000

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