How Yelling at Kids Can Waste Your Time and Energy Yelling at - TopicsExpress


How Yelling at Kids Can Waste Your Time and Energy Yelling at kids is just a waste of time and energy as it can only do more harm than good. Read on and find out how yelling can waste your time and energy and its harmful effects on kids. Many of you as parents feel and believe that in order to control your child or prove your point, you have to yell. But yelling results in less learning of the child. As parents, you need to be calmer and remind yourselves that shouting will not help in fact it will make the situation even worse. Depending on your childs temperament, yelling will affect him more or less. Some children do not seem to be particularly disappointed by yelling, although almost all children are not able to focus on what is being said, as they tend to only hear the volume and tone that is being used. If the volume is always on high at home, your child may not learn how to hear anyone who is softly spoken. Yelling Could Damage Your Child’s Self-Confidence Kids who are shouted at can suffer damage to their self-confidence. Children who are abused verbally rarely see themselves as worthy individuals. Their perception of themselves is of an insignificant individual who lacks the ability to impact his society. A positive self-esteem gives every child confidence and allows him to be who he really is without being bullied by peers especially during playtime. Yelling Could Make Your Child More Aggressive Harsh verbal discipline on the part of a parent increases a child’s risk for depression and aggressive behaviour, and is not uncommon, they are likely to display aggressive behaviors themselves. These children have problems adjusting in the society and they act out by invading others personal space, pushing, hitting and even biting. When parents yell at a child, they are essentially modeling aggressive behaviour. It should therefore come as no surprise that a kid who is frequently yelled at by his parents is more likely to develop patterns of aggression. Damage of Emotional Development of the Child Growing up in an environment filled with loud voices can cripple your child’s mental health. Your child can become more fearful and timid. A child needs to be loved, feel secure and safe, to be cared, opportunities to explore and try new things and made to be felt worthwhile. Talking to them in a way that endangers any of the above needs is likely to damage their emotional development. When a child suffers emotional abuse, he or she is prone to suffer psychological injury which is detrimental to the child’s well being. Concentration Problems Children who have been yelled at over a long period of time have problems in concentrating. They are unable to focus on anything. They are also easily distracted.Yelling at him or scolding him when you find him distracted will only serve to make him frustrated. It becomes really very difficult to help child focus on specific things. Yelling Can Affect Both Yours as well as Your Child’s Health Frequent yelling and anger have negative effect on you and this impacts your health. It might raise your risk of heart disease. Your immune system is lowered. Scientists say those who hit or raise their voices at youngsters expose them to the risk of getting affected with cancer, heart disorder and asthma. Therefore to avoid wasting your time and energy due to yelling you must focus on saying what to do rather than on what not to do. Praise good behaviour and also make your kids aware of the consequences of disobeying. Give children a lot of attention and encouragement when they are not misbehaving.Children learn best when you show them the right way to do something and praise them when they comply. We need to see our children as whole human beings who need help understanding themselves and their behaviour. Make children know often that you love them and that you like them and you are proud of them. Courtesy -IP
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 02:34:29 +0000

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