How Young Earth evidence is treated, and why scientists are afraid - TopicsExpress


How Young Earth evidence is treated, and why scientists are afraid to even report it. Because 99.9% of the scientific world accept evolution as a true proven fact. And that is all that is allowed to be believed in science concerning origins. Anyone whom dares to buck the system that all evidence and all theories must support evolution, scientists around the world risk losing credibility and even their jobs if they reveal evidences of ideas that come up against evolution. Below is a video that gives this example of how instead of atheists in the scientific world trying to confirm this persons findings they attack. And because she knows that is what will happen she was even afraid to release her findings. And when she did what was expected happened. This has to make one wonder how much Young Earth Creation evidence does get swept under the rug because of this fear of attack, that makes one lose their jobs and credibility? I can bet that because of this there is a lot more evidence that will never see the light of day, and they may even be destroying such evidence. Evidence is Evidence. Why should any scientist fear revealing evidence that does not go along with the current accepted theory?https://youtube/watch?v=ji2cvuJ1mYg
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:46:47 +0000

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