How Zumba saved a life! I know I know your thinking well I - TopicsExpress


How Zumba saved a life! I know I know your thinking well I knows she aint exaggerating. But yes Zumba saves a life. In early March 2014 both my Mom (Beat) and I stared the Zumba for Beginners that Amanda offers. The first night well we had no idea what to expect and boy were we uncoordinated and lost. During the class I keept looking back to my mom who was in that last row in the building and would say now Mudder ya got to keep moving by and shed say I cant, I got to stop. After the first night she complained that while Zumba-ing she would have Heart Burn and it would mildly hurt and she had swat a lot. She didnt think much of it and just figured it was because she ate supper before Zumba. I said Well now Mudder its gonna hurt ya just moved muscles ya never used in 30 years. We thought nothing more than that. Two days later we go to our next class. This time Mom once again couldnt keep up and complained of Heart Burn and little pains like pulled muscles in her chest while Zumba-ing. It was enough to cause her to realize that something was wrong. By the end of the session she was basically determined that she was not going back. The next day she decided she needed to see her doctor to get a checkup. Doing so the doctor decided she should see a cardiologist and have a stress test. Within a week she was sent to St.Johns and the cardiologist had her run on a treadmill as part of the test. Mom couldnt complete it, she said she had to stop because she felt sick and faint. The Doctor decided that she needed to do another stress test and would be considered an emergency case. This past Monday she got a call from the booking department saying she had been booked for the next morning for the stress test at St.Claires. Knowing a storm was forecasted Mom told them that she wouldnt make it and she didnt want to take the appointment from another person who could make it. She wouldnt get a booking then till the summer. When she told Dad that she didnt take the booking he got upset and made her call back and get the appointment for the next day. So Tuesday she jumped in the truck and both my parents and my brother went to town in the storm for the Stress Test. Like all stress test they take a while and have several parts. When done she asked the technician if he could tell her anything and he said no the cardiologist would make an appointment to let her know after he had reviewed the information. So they got ready and headed back home. Well my brother was driving and he decided he would stop at the Irving on the TCH and get a hotdog. They had only stopped when Moms cell phone rang. No one ever calls her. It was the hospital calling Mrs Parsons, turn around and head back you need to go to the Health Science ER they will be waiting for you. Stunned and wondering what was on the go they quickly turned and headed back to tow . When she got to the HSC-ER it was packed with people, she went to the check in and said who she was and they just jumped to action. They said they were waiting on her and took her in and hooked her to heart monitors right away. The was admitted to the cardiology department and had to remain there till she could get a due test. Now as odd as this is my dad had to leave her there all night and head home because he had pre admission done Wednesday. Thursday he had triple bipass surgery. So mom played the waiting game and finally Friday she was told that they were taking her down for her dye test. Once they started they didnt stop. They found a 95% blockage in her Left Coronary Artery (this is known as a widow maker as it is the area that actually supplies blood to the heart muscle itself). The doctor continued and cut her wrist and threaded a catheter to her heart and inserted a stent. The doctor said it was the longest and widest stent he has ever used. He also said that this type of blockage is caused usually by smoking (mom has never smoked) and by genetics. As of now she is doing well and resting. Mom keeps telling everyone to go get checked because she never expected herself to have such heart issues. She always went for evening walks and rode a bike and tried stay fit. She swears that Zumba saved her life! Had it not been for her pain while at Zumba and not being able to keep up she would have never questioned her symptoms. She was blaming it all on acid reflux and that she was slowing down in her old age, needed more rest and figured this was a normal part of aging. Boy was she wrong. We plead to all you ladies to get checked. The symptoms of heart struggle is much different in a woman than a man. Heart Attack Signs in Women -Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. -Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. -Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. -Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. -As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. -But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain. If you have any of these signs, don’t wait more than five minutes before calling for help. Call 9-1-1 and get to a hospital right away.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:31:58 +0000

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