How about Value of Mega H®? VALUE 1: • Through media, we - TopicsExpress


How about Value of Mega H®? VALUE 1: • Through media, we learnt to know many types of functional food. But then why are there still many people who eat these functional food from veggies and fruits still suffer chronic diseases? Simply because they do not eat enough quantity. Meaning eating functional food without quantity consideration and unless you juice a lot more veggies and fruits to drink or else the healing is less. That is the reason “NEUTRACEUTICAL” is introduced. Nutraceutical means brand of antioxidant as functional is guaranteed quantity consistent for healing benefit. Nutraceutical is then labeled ‘X’ in the bottle. The ‘X’ tells the functional ingredient (such as silica hydride) has to go through certain test at random above room temperature for two years in order to guarantee its stability for efficacy. When it complies to rule, then label ‘X’ is applied to register the product as nutraceutical graded product. Since Mega H® is labeled ‘X’, therefore Mega H® is a nutraceutical product. Because Mega H® is a nutraceutical product, hence it has value. That means eating ONE CAPSULE of Mega H®, you are not just getting functional silica hydride, but you are assured of quantity ONE CAPSULE is 250 mg contains the negative hydrogen equal to 10,000 glasses of fresh organic orange juices. The value returns, if you work out by figures, how much do you have to pay for 10,000 glasses of fresh organic orange juices. • You may visit: phisciences/the-flanagan-experiments Quote from Dr. Patrick Flanagan: If you weigh 160 pounds, then in 24 hours your body needs to make 160 pounds of ATP in order to survive. With just 1% less ATP production, you are tired, wore out, no energy. Your body uses mitochondria and NADH to make ATP. But as we aged, number of mitochondria is decreasing due to free radical damage and NADH also declines. As a result, you need negative hydrogen supplement. Dr. Patrick had made a VALUE comparison if you buy a bottle of Mega Hydrate USD60.00 (60 capsules with 300mg/capsule) and a bottle of NADH USD16.00 (30 tablets with 10 mg/tablet), then figure it out, take the price for 1g negative hydrogen compare to tablet of NADH, you make a MEGA SAVINGS! That is USD60 vs USD33,000. VALUE 2: • NADH that powers ATP production for you always depletes due to oxidation. Oxidation makes NADH becomes NAD+. NAD+ is oxidized co-enzyme and eating ONE CAPSULE Mega H® you recycle many NAD+ back to NADH. Hence, Mega H has recycling value to SYNERGY NAD+ for re-use. VALUE 3: • Mega H® is the ONLY ANTIOXIDANT that SYNERGISES cell to uptake oxygen hence enhances glucose metabolism. It not only lowers blood glucose, it enhances glucose metabolism as well and hence weight control effectively. Mega H® is the only antioxidant that supplement CLEAN FUEL for cell to generate 5 times ATP higher. VALUE 4: • Mega H® is a REDUCING AGENT. Only reducing agent can remove heavy toxic metal and scavenge all types of free radicals. No other antioxidant can work inside cell to repair DNA. No other antioxidant can work, if compare by speed, by rate, by quantity absorption, by smallest size equals to negative hydrogen. It is the only antioxidant in element. Because it is active atomic element, therefore it’s antioxidant regarded as reducing agent. VALUE 5: • It RESTORES the BIOLOGICAL TERRAIN (body internal environment) the way the body wants. All foods after digested must go to blood and blood is then flux with many substances affecting its viscosity. It is then AFTER CARE of blood is important. What is good is retain in blood and what is not good is discarded from blood, Mega H® is the right choice! It buffers pH, subdue oxidative stress and monitor electrical resistivity that as a result restore human biological terrain. VALUE 6: • Many established bodies like China Government, Consumer Health Organization of Canada, Nobel Prize Committee, Olympic Team of China, Life Magazine of America, Association of Peer Reviewed Published Papers and TV Public Live Broadcast in USA are all solid evidence to show Mega H® has VALUE, EFFICACY & SAFETY. VALUE 7: • It has MICROCLUSTER® TECHNOLOGY to backup Mega H® owns Microcluster® which acts as a NUTRIENT TRANSPORT VEHICLE. Microcluster® lowers the surface tension of water by 35% which when drink, improves blood circulation 2.5 times faster and better lymph circulation. Because of better lymph and blood circulation, it makes the body detox and hence improve immune system. It is the only antioxidant that also works as HYDRATING PRODUCT & OSMOTIC PRODUCT that as a result able to look after blood pressure.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 12:15:55 +0000

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