How about addressing the fact that the military industrial complex - TopicsExpress


How about addressing the fact that the military industrial complex takes almost half of the entire U.S. budget? $Yes, $147 million is a LOT of money to be sending to farmers in another country, but $700 BILLION just to fund the military? The entire budget is what, $1.3, $1.4 TRILLION? And half of that goes to the Pentagon? It seems to me that this, along with massive tax breaks, legal tax exempt overseas banking and tax free sales and purchases on Wall St. are where we should be focusing our attention. When you look at the total amount of money that is lost because of these things, $147 million is pretty insignificant. It is comparable to complaining about the ant that stole a couple of crumbs while an elephant is raiding the refrigerator. The politicians dont want to try and change the situations that really need to change. They might piss off their campaign contributors. They would much rather focus our attention on the easy stuff like MILLIONS BEING SENT TO BRAZIL!! because it gets their base all riled up about AMURKA FIRST! I dont think we should be overly generous with our limited resources. We have far to many things that need to be fixed right here at home. I just believe that we should take a long hard look at where all of our money is really going. If we do that, and we admit that the vast majority of it is going to the corporations, the 1% and the military, instead of the working stiffs that created the wealth to begin with, we might get mad enough to elect politicians who are more concerned with serving the public interest than chasing campaign contributions. You know what? Maybe if they started actually representing the peoples interests, they wouldnt have to worry so much about getting reelected.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:44:52 +0000

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