How about an LDS Church rant that has nothing to do with LGBT - TopicsExpress


How about an LDS Church rant that has nothing to do with LGBT issues? LYING FOR THE LORD Ordain Women is a group of mostly active, faithful, believing women who are tired of gender inequality in the LDS church. They want equal representation (and unless youre guzzling kool-aid you have to accept that the pressure theyve been applying has made a difference--women praying in general conference, leadership roles for sister missionaries... even something as inconsequential-seeming as portraits of the female general auxiliary leaders in the conference center—all these things have happened since women in the church started agitating for change). OW has, for two conference sessions in a row, petitioned for access to the priesthood session of conference. Last fall they were told before the fact that they would be denied entrance, but that they could watch the streaming version (which, totally coincidentally of course, became available for the first time last fall). They showed up anyway, and the media images of woman after woman being turned away was a PR disaster for the church in the national scene. So this spring the LDS church forbade the media from entering temple square—citing a longstanding policy that had *never* before been enforced. And then the Deseret News (a church-owned paper) publishes an article lambasting the OW movement, explicitly taking them to task for REFUSING TO LEAVE TEMPLE SQUARE WHEN ASKED TO DO SO. I have now read dozens of accounts from women who were there. Several of them are good friends of mine. And NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS EVER ASKED TO LEAVE TEMPLE SQUARE. All of them are mystified at the churchs claim. So tell me this: what kind of organization cares so much about its public image that it will institute draconian measures to control the message being presented, and then use that control to LIE in order to make itself look good and its opponent look bad? I dont recall any instances in the New Testament of Jesus using such tactics. In fact, I dont recall him caring about his image at all—especially not to the point of deionizing those who sincerely desired to serve him or who were pained by perceived injustice. Indeed, the churchs actions smack far more of the machinations of a corporate entity—and a corrupt one at that. Manage the message; hide the things that will damage our stock value; if you cant *be* good! at least be sure you *look* good. Never mind the condescending forget about rights and just do what youre told message that Oaks delivered to the women (in a meeting they were barred from attending) last night—which, from the pieces Ive read, seems to make it pretty clear that the brethren have never even *considered* the possibility that the status quo is anything but Gods Will™. Never mind the echoes of pre-1978 statements that black people had never had the priesthood and thats just the way it was. The LDS Church disgusts me. I apologize to those of my friends and family who will be offended by that statement. But I wont apologize for the sentiment. There are very few organizations that have LESS of my respect than the LDS Church, and I sincerely pity those who are still entangled in its web of deception and dogma masquerading as doctrine. Quitting was literally the best thing Ive ever done for my happiness and emotional health—better, even, than coming out of the closet. If youve read this far and are more interested in truth than in blind faith, message me and lets talk.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 17:59:57 +0000

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