How about another little Rant? Funny thing happened on the way to - TopicsExpress


How about another little Rant? Funny thing happened on the way to work this morning……… As part of my morning routine I spend my morning commute listening to news radio. If you ask my kids, even today, what did your dad listen to in the morning; they will sing the jingle to KNX1070. This morning was no different and the talking heads were prattling on about the coming dome and gloom over tonight’s midnight deadline and the insolvency of the United States of America. More importantly they were proudly announcing what or rather “who” were going to be the first casualties of this standoff between obama and the House. The information should not have surprised me but just to make sure I heard right I jumped between 3 news stations just to make sure I was not having a nightmare and my alarm had not gone off just yet. All three news people and their political annalist were all warning that Social Security recipients were first in line to lose their benefits. The “gubment” would not be issuing those checks on November first! I looked at the radio and asked the rhetorical question,” But wait a minute, what about welfare recipients?” No response. The subject never came up, interesting. The immediate conclusion is that obama and the democrats are going to starve and freeze out the elderly to secure a vote in their favor. I guess we should have seen this coming. obama and company shut down the National Mall and the World War II memorial to Veterans but opened it up so their friendly donating unions could march. Why wouldn’t they deliberately hurt those who have paid into the system for decades in favor of insuring their freeloading voter block remain fat and happy? OOOOHHH, it just occurred to me. The talking heads were only doing that because those of us who have or do now work for a living were the only ones up to hear the news. They are saving the news about welfare cuts until that listening audience wakes up around eleven or twelve today. Yeah that’s it.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:35:23 +0000

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