How are Christians and Catholics Similar? 1. They Both go to - TopicsExpress


How are Christians and Catholics Similar? 1. They Both go to Church on Sundays. 2. They Both do whatever they please after they go to Chruch on Sundays. 3. They Both call The Messiahs Name Jesus 4. They Both us the term Jesus Christ 5. They Both collect money from the people who attend their Churches. 6. They Both honor Christmas and Easter. 7. They Both call Him Lord 7. They Both use the terms New Testament and Old Testament 8. They Both use the terms New Covenant and Old Covenant 9. They both say the New Testament has replaced the Old Testament. 10. They Both say Jesus is the Way. 11. They both say The Savior is Jesus 12. They Both say the Church has replaced Israel. 13. They Both use the terms Grace and Faith 14. They Both say the day of Worship is Sunday. I was a Catholic for 35 Years and when i left, I had no idea how much I was still following the things I did when I was a Cahtolic. I now see both Christians and Catholics as the same thing wrapped up in a different package. Do you remember the old adage If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck , it is a duck? How are Christians and Catholics Similar? 1. They Both go to Church on Sundays. 2. They Both do whatever they please after they go to Chruch on Sundays. 3. They Both call The Messiahs Name Jesus 4. They Both us the term Jesus Christ 5. They Both collect money from the people who attend their Churches. 6. They Both honor Christmas and Easter. 7. They Both call Him Lord 7. They Both use the terms New Testament and Old Testament 8. They Both use the terms New Covenant and Old Covenant 9. They both say the New Testament has replaced the Old Testament. 10. They Both say Jesus is the Way. 11. They both say The Savior is Jesus 12. They Both say the Church has replaced Israel. 13. They Both use the terms Grace and Faith 14. They Both say the day of Worship is Sunday. I was a Catholic for 35 Years and when i left, I had no idea how much I was still following the things I did when I was a Cahtolic. I now see both Christians and Catholics as the same thing wrapped up in a different package. Do you remember the old adage If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck , it is a duck? My list was not exhaustive and so here are additional comments from my friends: Paul Nichols Or, like Uncle Si would say, Shoot it!. Good list. 4 hours ago · Like · 1 DannyEl Sarmiento Ben Yehudim The both revere the symbol of the cross which comes from Tammuz, they both reject the true Sabbath, they hang on the words of paul, they invent a new law of Christ from a badddddd out of context interpretation of the messiah telling us to keep the torah, they both reject torah laws, they reject the days of the bible, they accept the pagan holidays with biblical meanings attached... and so o and so on... it even smells like a duck 4 hours ago · Edited · Unlike · 4 Paul Qadash Their Elohim are three persons that are the same in spirit. Their Jesus was bodily resurrected. 4 hours ago · Unlike · 2 Jocie Meek He is a diminished part of Me, on behalf of you, existing as My servant to stand up for and establish, restoring the tribes of Yaaqob, and to change, restore and preserve Yisrael. I will give You as a gift to provide LIGHT to Gentiles, existing as I Am Yashowah (salvation) to the distant limits the land, earth, world, and space, says Yahowah, Redeemer of Yisrael, the Set Apart One. (YashaYaho / Isaiah 49:6-7) This shall come to pass on a day in which there shall not be a diminishing (qipa’on - reduction) of His esteemed and beloved LIGHT (‘owr - illumination).(ZakarYah / Zechariah 14:6) 3 hours ago · Like · 2 DannyEl Sarmiento Ben Yehudim Baphomet statues uncovered in ancient templar (early freemason) sites had 3 faces. .. trinity. about an hour ago · Like · 1 Paula Vandiver Garbett On all important issues, they are the same. The apple did not fall far from the tree. After all, they are reformed out of catholocism. Yahs people never needed reformed. The reformation movement surely needs another reformation!!!! Out of their religion and in to truth!! Dianna Urbigkit and Alicia Bhat Ysrayl like this. Dianna Urbigkit Amein. I was a Seventh-day Adventist for 26 years. They go to Church on Saturdays, and have potlucks and pretty much keep Sabbath. But they too keep ALL the pagan holidays, collect and beg for money from its congregation. Support a corrupt general conference where they send all tithe money. They attack verbally All those who have learned new Truth (they attacked me twice) and then kick them out, or make them so miserable they (me) leave. They lie and blaspheme them that are different. They have indeed spread lies about me. But I now know the TRUTH and I am free. I have found an entirely NEW family, here on facebook and Im now learning with a zeal that I never had before. These people are. Jesuit infiltrated and are brainwashing the congregations. I have seen it first hand and thankfully I came out before its to late. These people believe they are the only end-time church and believe what I term a false prophet. If this is harsh I apolgize, but Truth is Truth, and that IS what these people need to hear. I will NOT sugar coat the TRUTH. Hal Hilton Bingo! Aaron Ofthe Way 15. Both have graven images about an hour ago · Jacob Solace They both continue to sin. By Ron Weiss
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:01:34 +0000

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