How art works: 1. A longer numbered list on conceptual art more - TopicsExpress


How art works: 1. A longer numbered list on conceptual art more specifically: 2. Speaking of art, Klaus Biesenbach, who is a curator for MoMA and a pretty big deal in the art world, is currently taking submissions for an art show that hes curating. Its the first time Ive ever seen someone from someplace as prestigious as MoMA curate a show entirely through social media. 3. “I think everybody should be nice to everybody.” ― Andy Warhol 4. “Dont think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if its good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” ― Andy Warhol 5. William Eggleston: You know, I had a meeting with him [Henri Cartier-Bresson], one in particular, it was at this party in Lyon. Big event, you know. I was seated with him and a couple of women. You’ll never guess what he said to me. Drew Barrymore: What? William Eggleston: “William, color is bullshit.” End of conversation. Not another word. And I didn’t say anything back. What can one say? I mean, I felt like saying I’ve wasted a lot of time. As this happened, I’ll tell you, I noticed across the room this really beautiful young lady, who turned out to be crazy. So I just got up, left the table, introduced myself, and I spent the rest of the evening talking to her, and she never told me color was bullshit. 6. There was a point where I noticed that things had changed in the Marlboro ad. They got rid of the famous guy, a certain model who used to be in all the ads. They took him out and started using other people. That’s when I went after it. That’s when I stole it.... This was a famous campaign. If you’re going to steal something, you know, you go to the bank. -- Richard Prince 7. I went on to Flickr and it was just thousands of pieces of shit, and I just couldn’t believe it. And it’s just all conventional, it’s all cliches, it’s just one visual convention after another. -- Stephen Shore
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:48:53 +0000

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