How beautiful has Sayyid Ahmad Said Kazmi Sahib - Alaihi Rahmah - - TopicsExpress


How beautiful has Sayyid Ahmad Said Kazmi Sahib - Alaihi Rahmah - put it: Quote: You will think negatively about Amīr Muāwīya only if you regard him to be a kāfir (Allāh forbid!). If you regard him to be a Mumin, then we are commanded to think good of Mumins. I declare that Amīr Muāwīya is a Mumin, hence we cannot think negatively about him. Hazrat Shah Waliyullah Muhaddis ad-Dahlawi(Rahmatullah Alayh) wrote in ihis Persian work Izalat al-Khafa an Khilafat al-Khulfa (lit. Removal of Ambiguity about the Caliphate of the [Early] Caliphs) Quote: Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan (radi-Allahu anhuma) was one of Rasulullahs (Salallahu Alyhiwasalam) companions. Among as-Sahaba, he was well-known for his beautiful virtues. Be cautious of thinking ill of him! Do not fall into the danger of speaking ill of him. Or else you will be committing haram. It is declared in a hadith reported by Abu Dawud, Do not speak ill of my companions! Even if you give gold as big as Mount Uhud as alms, there will not be as much thawab as in their alms of a handful of barley! Again in a hadith reported by him, Rasulullah (sall-Allahu alaihi wa sallam) pointed to Hadrat Hasan (radi-Allahu anh), This son of mine is mature. Through him, I expect, Allahu taala will reconcile two armies of my umma. A hadith reported by at-Tirmidhi declares about Muawiya (radi-Allahu anh), O my Rabb! Make him hadi and muhdi! that is, Keep him in the right path and make him a means for guiding others to the right path. A hadith reported by Ibn Sad and Ibn Asakir declares about Muawiya (radi-Allahu anh), O my Rabb! Teach Him the book and make him own countries and protect him against punishment. Rasulullah (Salallahu Alyhiwasalam) knew he would become the caliph. It is obvious that because he pitied his umma very much it was necessary for him to pray so that the person who would take the lead would be in the right path and guide them to the right path. It is declared in a hadith reported by Hasan (radi-Allahu anh) and conveyed by Ad-Dailami, Someday Muawiya will be the head of the State. Hadrat Muawiya (radi-Allahu anh) said that since the day when Rasulullah (Salallahu Alyhiwasalam) had said to him, O Muawiya! When you become head of the State, do favors! he had been awaiting the time when he would become the caliph. A hadith reported by Umm Hiram (radi-Allahu anha), a Sahabi, declares, Of my umma, those who will fight in the first naval battle of Islam will certainly enter Paradise. Muawiya (radi-Allahu anh) fought in the first naval battle of Islam during the caliphate of Hadrat Uthman (radi-Allahu anh). And Umm Hiram (radi-Allahu anha), since she had heard the hadith herself, was among his soldiers and was martyred when she landed [on Cyprus]. With the blessing of these prayers by Rasulullah (Salallahu Alyhiwasalam), he became a just, trustworthy caliph. He kept a few of Rasulullahs (Salallahu Alyhiwasalam) hairs, which, in order to be blessed with, were requested in his will to be put into his nose. Rasulullah (Salallahu Alyhiwasalam) prophesied the Battle of Siffin between Ali and Muawiya (radi-Allahu anhuma), too. The scholars al-Bukhari and Muslim reported the hadith: Unless two great soldiers fight each other, the end of the world will not come. Both of them will fight for the cause. In a hadith reported in the Sahih of al-Bukhari, the Prophet (Salallahu Alyhiwasalam) said to Ammar ibn Yasar, You will be killed by some disobedient people. He was killed by Muawiyas (radi-Allahu anh) soldiers....[Shah Wali-Allah ad-Dahlawi, Izalat al-Khafa, p.571] as translated by Huseyn Himi Isik.rah an extract from Siraj al-Awarif by the Grandmaster of the Qadiri Barkati order, the Murshid and teacher of our Murshids, the Zaydi Sayyid of the Ahl al-Bayt: The Second Lustre: Twenty Sixth Nur: Nowadays, some people of the Ahl al-Sunna wa al Jamaat freely visit and associate themselves with the Rafdis (Shias). Due to their instigation, they speak and think ill of Amir Muawiyya (radi-Allahu anh)and other Sahabah(radi-Allahu anhuma) . This itself is open Rafds (Shiaism). Therefore, it is appropriate for me to explain some things about Sayyiduna Amir Muawiyya(radi-Allahu anh). A true Sufi will always accept the words and advice of the Grand Sufi Master, Sultan Shaykh Nizam al-Din Awliya (One of the big five senior Chishtiyyah Saints of the Indo-Pak sub-continent). ). His words indeed are sufficient as proof. It is recorded in the Malfuzat of Shaykh Sultan Nizam al-Din Awliya Mehbub-e-Ilahi, Fawaidul Fawad that once Shaykh Amir Hasan Olah Sanjari (compiler of the Malfuzat) asked the illustrious Wali as to what Aqida (belief) must one have regarding Sayyiduna Amir Muawiyya(radi-Allahu anh). He replied, He was a Muslim and belonged to the Noble Sahabah fraternity. He was the brother of Umm al Mominin Sayyidah Umme Habibah. She was a respectable wife of Sayyiduna Rasulullah - peace and blessings be upon him and his family. He went on further to say that she belonged to the sacred Harem of the Beloved Nabi - peace and blessings be upon him and his family.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:20:56 +0000

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