How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, In the - TopicsExpress


How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, In the broad and fiery street, In the narrow lane, How beautiful is the rain! How it clatters along the roofs, Like the tramp of hoofs! How it gushes and struggles out From the throat of the overflowing spout Across the window-pane It pours and pours; And swift and wide, Like a river down the gutter roars The rain, the welcome rain! The sick man from his chamber Looks at the twisted brooks; He can feel the cool Breath of each little pool; His fevered brain Grows calm again, And he breathes a blessing on the rain. From the neighbouring school Come the boys, With more than their wonted noise And commotion; And down the wet streets Sail their mimic fleets, Till the treacherous pool Engulfs them in its whirling And turbulent ocean. In the country, on every side, Where far and wide, Like a leopards tawny and spotted hide Stretches the plain, To the dry grass and the drier grain How welcome is the rain! In the furrowed land The toilsome and patient oxen stand: Lifting the yoke-encumbered head, With their dilated nostrils spread, They silently inhale The clover-scented gale, And the vapours that arise From the well-watered and smoking soil. For this rest in the furrow after toil Their large and lustrous eyes Seem to thank the Lord, More than mans spoken word. N ear at hand, From under the sheltering trees, The farmer sees His pastures, and his fields of grain, As they bend their tops To the numberless beating drops Of the incessant rain. He counts it as no sin That he sees therein Only his own thrift and gain. By H.W Longfellow About The Poet : How beautiful is the rain was written by a very famous American poet called Henry Wadsworth Longfellow who lived from 1807 to 1882. When Longfellow was thirteen years old he began to publish his own poems. Later on, when he finished school and college, he became a professor of Modern Languages at the age of twenty-two. Seven years later, in 1836, he became a professor at Harvard. In 1854 Longfellow gave up his job and devoted all his time to writing poetry. He wrote so much poetry that a number of critics point out this led to a lowering of the general level of his work. This poem shows Longfellows great gift of being able to write melodious poetry. This poem is really a song of praise. It describes how the rain falls after a hot day in the summer and how various people welcome it. The poem is full of rhythm and beauty. Words to Know : Chamber : room Commotion : bustle and confusion Dilated : opened wide Engulfs : swallows up Lustrous : shining Mimic : imitation, the children are sailing boats made of paper or sticks Tawny : brownish-yellow Therein : in that Thrift : prosperity (the farmer sees a way of thriving) Toilsome : full of work, laborious Treacherous : deceptive, not to be trusted Turbulent : disturbed and in commotion Vapours : moisture (with the smell of the earth after the rain) Wonted : usual Yoke-encumbered : weighed down and hampered by a yoke (the wooden cross-piece fastened over necks of oxen) For Kids Educations University English Poems Oak Trees Cheap pool tables for sale Poems Private colleges in california English Poems Index From How Beautiful is the Rain! to HOME PAGE Share this page: Whats This? Facebook Twitter Enjoy this page? Please pay it forward. Heres how to ... Follow These Links!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 04:18:58 +0000

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