How big is possible? Continued…….! God is a God who does - TopicsExpress


How big is possible? Continued…….! God is a God who does wonder’s Psalms 77: 14 you are God who does wonders; you have declared your strength among the people. So God does things that are amazing and He does it in such a way that it is extraordinarily good. Look at the children of Israel as they were confronted with the situation at the red sea. In front of them was the red sea and the Egyptian army was right behind them in hot pursuit. Some of them complained to Moses and said aren’t there enough graves in Egypt for us to die and be buried in and why have you brought us out here to die? But Moses a man of faith who had been in the presence of God almighty who quieted the crowd and said stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. God did an amazing thing that day and God is still doing miracles today if only we could just trust Him. There are countless records in the word of God of the most amazing things that God has done for His people. In Romans 15: 4 for whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that through patience and comfort of the scriptures we might have hope. These things were written for our instructions that by our steadfastness and patient. For our encouragement and our strength is drawn from the scriptures that we might hold fast and cherish hope. When there seems to be no hope trust in God and you will see the salvation of the Lord always. You see the key is staying close to God through prayer, studying His word and worship. His word is where we draw our strength from. Hebrews 4:12 for the word that God speaks is alive and full of power making it active, operative and energizing and making it effective in the believers life. But you have got to believe, trust in Him with your most innermost being for every aspect of your life staying so close to God no matter what anyone else does or says, a life that is so close to God that you will believe and trust Him with your very life. Just like when God was speaking to Moses through the flames of the bush which was burning but not being consumed. Moses said I will turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burned and then God told him draw not nigh hither put off your shoes from off thy feet for the place where on thou standest is holy ground. Because of His compassion and love God sent Moses as His representative to liberate His people from bondage. God knew that the children of Israel were suffering greatly under the Egyptians and God brought them out with signs and wonders. God brought His people out of the Egyptian bondage and set them free so that He could have a relationship with His chosen people and to keep His promise that he made to Abraham that his seed would be as the number as the stars in the heaven... He wanted His people to trust Him for every need that they might have. He wanted to bring them into the promise land a land that was flowing with milk and honey a land of abundance. Just like God sent His Son Jesus to liberate us from the bondage of sin and has set us from free from the power of death and destruction to those who choose to believe and repent from their sins and trust Him completely. He took upon Himself our bondage and our sins our sufferings and our shame and guilt and made us the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He has brought us into our promise land a land flowing with all the abundance that Jesus has provided for us. His word will speak to you if you will just pick it up and read and listen to what the Spirit of God is trying to convey to you. Listen while you are attending church services be attentive to what the Spirit is trying to communicate to the church. When we pay special attention and give God His time to communicate though His Spirit and His word then we can see things more clearly and understand the wonderful works of God... The more you develop your relationship with Him, the more you will trust Him. Then you will realize that there is nothing impossible with God. If you don’t believe that there is nothing impossible with God then just take a look in a mirror and you will see just how something that is so complicated, so precisely made that man himself cannot duplicate the human body. It is so wondrously made that only God could have done such a great and marvelous work. Just look at the stars and the heavens and then just look around at the things that God himself spoke into existence it will amaze you if you would just take the time and look. With God all things are possible, not impossible as some would believe. There is nothing to difficult for our God. Some would say that it is unfeasible for signs and wonders to exist in this day and age in which we live. So those who think that signs and wonders and miracles are impractical to today’s society. It is your choice whither to believe or not to believe. If God cannot convince you that there is nothing impossible with Him, neither can I convince you either. As for me and my house we chose to believe!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:54:11 +0000

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